Chapter 1:This is me

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- Not part of the story -

~ Sometimes I find myself wondering what life is.What this reality is.Is this world even real?Am I real?Again,how can I tell what is real and what is not?What even does the word "real" mean?
For someone suffering from hallucinations or for someone under some kind of weird drug effect, real is what they see with their own eyes,even If it's their mind playing tricks on them.
Is there a God out there?
Or is this world just someone else's dream?
I ,as all the other humans on this world,can only tell what is real or not based off my senses, mainly based off what I can see and touch.But what if there is something,someone else that goes beyond what we can perceive as real?You know,maybe,only maybe, when many people believe that a certain thing is real,it becomes real itself.If all the people on this planet believed that there was a God out there,then maybe this God could start existing
Who knows,maybe there really is a under-realm,where all the monsters of our dreams come from
.I think that Creepypasta truly left an impact on this world.It might enspire someone else into making some sort of movie or game out of their stories....
Sometimes I like to think we could be a creepypasta ourselves: what we are today is the consequence of all little ,horrible tragedies of our lives,we learn from the past and change into something we never thought we'd be... ~


That's what you were.
What happened to the little girl once happy and full of life that you used to be?When did you become so dull,so empty,so close to the dark?
You used to be scared of the murk,of the gloominess as a child: the unknown scared you the most.
You didn't know what was lurking,hiding in the shadows as you stared shivering at the darkest part of your room.
But you changed.
That kid grew up,and the same little girl learned that the dark can be your friend. It can indeed help you,comfort you even relieve you,occasionally.
Funny for someone with paranoia.

"I don't wanna go I don't wanna go I don't wanna go" you kept repeating to yourself.
But where were you,(y/n)? Of course, were hiding in your favorite place in the world,in your huge ,pitch-black closet,hugging your knees to your chest,slowly rocking back and forth while pinching your legs slightly.
"They'll make fun of me,they'll laugh at me".You kept saying in a maniacal way.

What was going on?

Well,you happened to start another great,intense and especially lovely year of high school today.

"What's the point of going to school anyways?All I learn is that everyone hates me,no matter what I do.Everyone calls me freak or creepshow.
Instead I should stay home and study by myself.
Yeah,alone,all by myself" you whispered to yourself as you heard the fast footsteps of your mother getting closer and closer.
Oh she perfectly knew where you were.
Even if you were hiding behind the huge mass of jackets and coats,she knew where you hid.

Every year was the same.

Every day of school was the same.

Oh and how she was done with your 17 years old attitude. She didn't understand why you hated, feared school so much.

School was supposed to be fun,you'd have a great time with friends and if you learned to listen more,even your teachers would have been more interesting.

But you weren't like other people.
Hell,you weren't like any other girls on this planet.
Many things were torturing,playing with your mind : unwanted,horrible thoughts,and the constant urge of hiding ,running away from everyone and everything in this world was destroying, almost consuming you.

Even your mom knew about it.

Thing is,she thought you were faking it only for attention, while all you needed was help.Regardless all your problems,somehow you made a friend,a true one I mean.He attended the same classes as you,and you met him when you first started high school:you could say he was your friend out of pity at first, he felt bad seeing you all alone.But after the two of you started hanging out more,you two became best friends!
That's how you met Michael,the best friend you could ever ask for.
He was as tall as you,with short brown hair,hazel eyes and a smile that could stop wars:he knew everything about you,about your fears and about your problems.And yet he was still your friend.That's what you liked of him the most,even if you were so weird,so different, he still chose to be your friend.
"I wonder if we'll stay like this forever" You constantly asked yourself.

Oh dear (Y/n),you are just about to find out..

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Yooooo so this is like my first story I've ever written so go easy on me peeps.I know that this chapter was quite boring,but I promise (uh,more like hope) that things will get more interesting starting from the next chapters ).

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