Chapter 14: I hate you

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Since the... "accident" with Jeff,the nightmare you had about his past kept repeating itself every night as it became more and more gruesome every time.No matter how many times you tried to intervene in the fight he had with Andy and his friends,nothing would change...instead, the more you tried to save him,the more the pain he inflicted you the night he killed his brother grew.
To avoid having nightmares again,you even tried to take some pills to prevent you from sleeping but no use,somehow you would always drift off to the magic land of dreams...for three days this vicious circle kept going on:you would have the same nightmare,then you would take some pills and sleep for a few hours only to wake up again and stay up all night waiting to go to school.Your body couldn't take all this stress for too long,and you wold often fall asleep in class and be sent to the principal many times.But you didn't care,for the few hours your mind was clear and your head wasn't dizzy you would always think about what Jeff said when you talked to him in the mirror.
"He made some sacrifices for me?...." You asked yourself as you stared at the ceiling, waiting for Michael to get up and get ready to go to school "but I've never seen him before.I saw him the first day of school,and that was honestly the first time I ever met him" you narrowed your eyes and pinched your leg as you traces some lines in the air with your hand.
"So he was the one who possessed the girl's body and helped me out with the bullies...this explains the sudden change in her behavior.I am grateful to him for what he did, but was killing the two boys necessary? And why did he help me in first place anyway?"you wondered as you sat up "he said he sent the inhabitants of the dark to me...but why did he decide to do that anyway?He said they would keep me company.But what lead him to do that for me?"
You shot your head to Michael's room as the sound of the door being opened echoed into the whole house
"Good morning (y/n) " he said as he waved at you and hurried to the bathroom
"Morning to you too..." You replied as you held your head with both hands.Due to all the pills you were taking you would get a headache everyday in the morning,and today was no different.
Your mind traveled back to Jeff and to what he said the last day.What scared you the most wasn't the fact that he was dead angry at you and that he would probably make you pay for whatever you did.
What really scared you was the last things he said before leaving...
"I should have never let you meet Michael." ....What the fuck did he mean by that?You met him the first day of junior year in high school and you did that by yourself without the help of anyone so what was he talking about?

"(Y/n) " Michael said as he put on his socks and went to the kitchen "hurry up we are late and you haven't dressed yourself yet" he said in a monotone voice as he filled his bowl with cereals and milk
"Well,looks like I am gonna rock my brain about Jeff later on then" you said you grabbed your clothes and went to the bathroom to change

~Time skip~

You grunted as you listened (or at least you tried to) carefully to the lesson,writing down as much as you could.You glanced at the blackboard and were taken aback when a wild Jeff was standing right there,next to your teacher while staring at you.You looked around the class and started panicking.I mean there was a killer in the classroom,and how did he get there in first place?!
You shook the shoulder of a girl next to you as you kept looking nervously at Jeff,who was now grinning and playing with his knife.
"What the fuck do you want (y/n) ?I am trying to listen here!" The student said in an annoyed voice.You pointed to Jeff and motioned her to take her phone
"Call the police!He is gonna kill us all!" You said while tapping your foot as the girl just gave you a confused look
"(Y/n) what are you talking about,who is "he"? " she asked.
You stared at her dumbfounded. Couldn't she see him?...
You looked back at Jeff who was laughing his ass off while slapping his knee.
You looked back at the girl who just shrugged her shoulders and pushed your hand away from her
"(Y/n) you should seriously go see someone,you are scaring me...." She said as she scooted away from you and focused back on the lesson.
"Nobody could see him?Only me?God,am I going crazy...?" You muttered to yourself as your attention was soon focused back on the blackboard where Jeff was leaning with a finger placed on his mouth
"Shhhh.." is all he said before he took out his knife and hit it against the surface of the blackboard, making a ear pitching sound .
You quickly covered your ears and gritted your teeth.
Jesus he was a pain in the ass.He kept hitting it with his knife more and more as the sound was getting louder and you couldn't take it anymore

"JUST STOP IT!" You yelled ,as everyone turned towards you. Oh how much you hated being the center of everyone's attention.

"Miss (y/n)" the teacher said angrily "would you like to explain to us what happened?" She asked ,tapping her fingers on the desk.
You turned your head to Jeff who just shrugged his shoulders and smiled wider,knowing you would get to attend after classes for what you did.

"I am sorry I just heard a sound coming from outside an-"

"I didn't hear anything" she said almost astonished "did you class?" she asked to all the students in the room

"No miss" they all said at unison

"(Y/n) how about you go to the toilets and drink a bit of water?" she asked.It was obvious that she was pissed off,but she was trying her best to calm herself down and be kind.You nodded your head and quickly stood up,walking to the toilets.
You slid yourself down as soon as you closed the door and sighed,hugging your knees to your chest and resting your head on them. were imagining him?He is not real and he has always been inside your head?

"Jeff just who are you..." you tensed up when you sensed a presence hovering over you sending you chills up your spine.

"Me?I think I have already told you dollface,I am a demon who well, also happens to kill mere humans as a hobby " Jeff said as he huffed while you looked up to him

"But why-"

"Why couldn't others see me?That's easy,it's because I chose to be seen only by you" he said as he booped your nose with his knife while he backed up and sighed "and yes I am real if you are wondering" he said "now excuse me i must be home by ten or my boss is gonna kill me" he finished as he was about to leave when you grabbed his leg

"Why won't you let me sleep at night?" you asked as you tightened the grip on him "Just what exactly do you want from me" you asked.
He simply looked at you with the corner of his eye and scoffed at you,while chuckling lowly

"Haven't I made it clear already?I have plans for you.I want to destroy you and make you regret what you did." He said as he kicked your arm off of him and walked away.

~Jeff P.O.V.~
After that the day went by pretty fast,and as soon as it was nightime I gave (Y/n) the same nightmare she has been having for the past days.I am honestly shocked she hasn't passed out yet...but she has a pure soul so it's no surprise.All I have to do is find a way to pollute her soul,to let the darkness that has been surrounded her for so long sink in her and turn her beating heart into a dead one,just like mine.After that,she will finally give up and we will be friends.


Isn't that marvelous?
The only problem is,she is too strong.Even when she is feeling down and sad somehow she always finds a way to pull herself up and go on with her life.And this also thanks to her friend...
Why did I do that,years ago?Why did I make Michael and (y/n) meet?

Just what the fuck was in my mind?But she seemed so depressed since her dad died and-

No.I shouldn't have done that.I shouldn't have helped her.

But I already fucked everything up,so there is no time to cry over something that already happened.It's time to fuck up lil (y/n) so much,she'll finally go with me.Still,how am I going to do that?
"Hmmm....I think I should kill someone dear in her life."I muttered to myself
I looked at Michael through a mirror he had in his room and at (y/n)'s mom through another one.

"Eenie meenie miny ho" I said as I started to shift my knife from Michael to (y/n)'s mom "who is going to die?It will" I grinned evily and nodded my head in approval as the victim was chosen.
Oh I can't wait to see (y/n) 's reaction tomorrow...

Jeez a lot of shit will happen the next chapter guys

Hidden in the Dark (Jeff The Killer Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ