Chapter 4:How you met him

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You stared in awe at the huge crowd of noisy students walking in the hallways, making their way to the respective classes while chatting with friends about how they already hated school and how it was going to be another shitty year                       
"I can't do it." You told yourself as you started to rub your arm nervously "I will never do it" you kept repeating to yourself.
You were scared,way too scared to even move of an inch.
You had this fear,this problem with people: you were terribly afraid of them.You hated them.
So far people only judged you, made fun of you and even called you names.You didn't care of what they thought  ,yet you were scared of what they said about you.
"Hey" Michael said "it's fine I am here.We can do it together,right?" He asked
You took a deep breath and nodded "Yeah right.."
You started to walk down the long,crowded hallway always keeping your gaze to the ground...people made you feel uncomfortable, you were so uneasy around them.
When you spoke you never looked at them in the eyes,but you just kept shifting your eyes on other things, on the surrounding or on your own feet.
As you walked you could sense other people getting quieter, while you were earning some giggles and eventually some students would pushyou by your back.
You feared them,you were socially awkward and heck you would have done anything, anything only to never see their faces again.
But you didn't care:you had your imagination to keep you company and your dear friend Michael,even tho he wasn't always with you.
You closed your eyes,and breathed in slowly..
"I can do it"you said as you then reopened your eyes to your new surrounding: you were now in your own little world,in the same place except no one else was there.Only you and your friend,walking down a quiet ,desert hallway.
You were brought back to reality as a loud noise broke in,made its way in the perfectly empty world of yours.
Someone was yelling.Laughing.
Someone was pointing at you. 
The last thing you heard was someone shout "FREAK!!!" before you were completely covered in paint.

Silence.It seemed to last for so long yet only moments later, your ears were deafened by the sudden bursts of laughter. Everyone was laughing. Laughing at you.


You were now tearing up,pushing others aside as you ran as fast as you could to the nearest toilet and locked yourself in the first door you saw,sobbing while sliding down on the corner as far away as possible from the door,rocking back and forth and scratching your legs violently.

~ back to the dark silhouette ~

I watched from a window as (y/n) was walking ,avoiding others' gazes as usual while she locked her eyes on the ground.
She was lost in her little wonderland again,daydreamig of another place without even paying attention to her surroundings...she was cute when she did that.
But what truly got my attention was those two petty brats,right at the entrance whispering God-knows-what to each other while watching amused (y/n) making her way to her class.
They were planning something,something evil.

I could sense it.

"Well well well" I started to play with my knife as I smirked slowly "things are about to get fun".
I saw (y/n) relaxing even more as she carelessly kept walking on her tracks...maybe if she wasn't always her own world she would have noticed what those kids were up to.
"Maybe I should try to warn her" I said as I saw the two brats pull out some balloons out of their bags "but again where would be all the fun?"I told myself as I finally watched those kids throw at her two balloons filled with... Wait was that paint?
I let out a soft chuckle "kids those days" i shook my head and turned my voice into a darker tone "their bodies will be part of my throne when I'll reign supreme on this mere,lame world."I said as I snapped my fingers and a small,shiny crown appeared on my head only to disappear later in thin hair.It's not like anyone was watching me anyways,and sooner or later i would have been the king of this shit hole.
"What can I say, being a demon can be an advantage sometimes" I said proudly as I kept my eyes on (y/n) and  followed her with my eyes.
Fuck, she was crying.And now she was running to the toilet.
I rolled my eyes and put on my hoodie preventing others from seeing my face "The shit you gotta do when people can't stand your beauty" I said as I casually walked to the entrance of the school while keeping my head down and made my way to the girls toilet.
I quietly opened the door to shut it right after,still trying to not make any sounds.
"Now where is sh- " I was interrupted by a soft,quiet sob coming from a door on my left.
The first thing I noticed was a tall,blonde girl who was kicking the door where (y/n) supposedly was.
She must have seen everything and she probably followed her in there,only to make fun of her and yell at her.
"Freak!Monster!Instead of crying like a baby go back home sucking on your thumb where your mommy can comfort you,you little bitch!"
Hell her voice was annoying. It made me want to rip out her lungs and made her eat them.
"Too bad I am not here to remove all those scum bags from this planet" i sighed as I inched closer to her and tapped her on her shoulder.
I cleared my throat "Excuse me?" I asked.
She turned around slowly giving me the angriest look ever "What the fuck do yo-" she stopped talking as she noticed my huge smile carved into my cheeks.
"W-what do you want?" she asked while trembling like crazy.Fuck she was about to scream.
Before she could do that I punched her right on her face,sending her to the ground.
"Good she passed out" I thought as I sighed softly.
"Here comes Jeffy to save the day" I said in a low voice,preventing (y/n) from hearing me.
I pulled down my hoodie as I slowly turned into a misty black fog and scooted up to the girl.She only had to breathe this eerie substance and then I would have been in complete control of her body.
What?I am a demon,I can do whatever I want.And yes that's the only way to possess a body, don't ask.

I quickly opened my eyes and sat up from the ground while rubbing my eye.
"Ouch I shouldn't have punched this bitch so hard" I got up and dusted off myself as I walked closer to a mirror.
"Ew I look like a barbie" I said as I pinched my cheek "I look so fake.Geez humans are truly disgustin- " I was interrupted by another loud sob and I immediately shut my mouth as I walked back to the toilet where (y/n) was hiding.
I knocked on the door gently "Hey (y/n) ...listen I am sorry for what I said before,I was just joking I didn't really mean those things I said.I am truly sorry for what I did but I want to make it up to you and help you with those bullies.. Ok?"
There was silence for a while.
Nothing happened for minutes.
"Do you mean it?" a low voice asked between sobs.
You smiled softly and nodded your head even tho she couldn't see you from there "of course i do".
I heard the door being slowly opened and (y/n) coming out of it shyly, while keeping her gaze on the ground.
"Oh god what did she do to herself" I looked at her legs and then at her hands.They were so bloody,and you literally scratched everywhere on your legs.
She must have noticed me looking because she tried covering herself with her hands.I looked up at her now red face "Don't worry it's fine,I went through something like this before" I told her reassuring her.
"Oh man all that blood" I twitched slightly while licking my lips "it makes me want to kill everyone,to burn this place to the ground" I breathed in and shifted my eyes up to hers "let's get out of here" I told her,as I then grabbed her arm and handed her my own jacket so she could cover herself with it. We walked out of the girls toilet earning funny looks from others and it took me everything to hold back myself from turning every single student of this shitty school in a lifeless corpse.
The bell was about to ring,warning the students to get to their classes and start their first period "and we are already leaving" I chuckled to myself as I stared at those who were laughing at us with a crazed look. "Oh don't worry,soon you will be dust" I thought as we burst out of the school and walked to the nearest park.
As we sat down on a bench I sighed of relief while handing (y/n) some tissues to at least wipe all that paint from her face.
"Well that was something " I said out loud while (y/n) just stared intensely at me.

Her silence made me nervous.

What was she thinking of me now?

Yooooo well now this chapter was quite long.I would have written more but I am tired as shit right now.Tell me what you think about this chapter and idk goodnight

Hidden in the Dark (Jeff The Killer Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن