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1. Do not and I repeat. Do. Not. Make your character irresistible, if you do they you will automatically be removed from the Rp and will have to make a different form.

2. Do not roleplay like this
Mary: sits down sighing
- Sits down sighing-
Please roleplay like
Mary sat down with a small smile on her face, sighing as she did so.

3. If you're going to roleplay, you need to make a Female and a Male so it will be equal, if you don't then there will be no response until you do so.

4. Don't spam me repeatedly, if I don't reply in 5 hours you are allowed to tag me, other then that don't.

5. When you have read all the rules put your Favorite Ice cream Flavor


I've realized some of the roleplayers have only used one character and it's ticked me off for a long while.
Because of this I'm giving out a warning.
If you don't use your second account for three weeks you will be removed.
I'm sorry but I can't stand it anymore.

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