
18 1 0

I've been trying to let it pass me but you guys do not seem to learn when I said Two Opposite Genders in the rules.
What's the point of putting them in the rules if not many aren't even listening. And if you have used both characters at some point this does not concern you. You can continue to roleplay and ignore this.
I know I signed up for this and I've seen others who ask for two characters and are fine with you not using them. But you need to remember this is not their book and it is mine so things will be different from the other books. I expect my rules to be followed, Yet this will be a warning.
I'll give each of you one week to use your second character and if you don't ,you will be removed from the roleplay with my choice of adding you back or not.
I tried to let it pass me for so long but it's only pissing me off now.
Thanks for reading and I hope you read over the rules and actually follow them.

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