chapter 4: battle of souls

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We entered through the gate and saw on front of us a wasteland purple flames, ash floor and dead trees there was no sign of life.

Klein: guys I think he's pass those doors.

Kirito: that's looks like a boss room to me, alright everyone remember what the plan is?

Everyone nodded

Asuna: let's end this.

Kirito and asuna pushed the big doors open and torches began to light up a throne appeared at the end of the room with someone sitting on it.

Shade: congrats you made it I've been waiting for so long its been getting boring.

Kirito: well I hope your ready because its going to be a big fight.

Shade: that's what I like to hear since you made it so far I'll give you a heads up you'll be fighting me and one of my minons.

Leafa: one minon? I don't like the sound of this.

A purple flame appeared and a figure stood in it with red eyes staring at them the figure walked out to reveal its yuuki.

Asuna stared at yuuki and knew thus fight was going to be difficult but she wanted to do anything for her best Friend.

Asuna: don't hurt yuuki.

Sinon: are you mad?! What if she attacks us.

Kirito: just listen to her sinon we don't want to harm our friends if she attacks block.

Asuna: I'll take care of yuuki you guys go for shade.

Kirito: what no I won't allow you to do that!

Asuna: we have no choice.

Asuna stepped forward and brought out her sword everyone focused else looked at shade.

Yuuki: I've been waiting for this battle for a while asuna.

Asuna: well I'm not going to go down easily.

Yuuki also brought up her sword and rushed at asuna and the two blades made contact once again.

Kirito: alright shade bring it on.

Shade: well let's get the party started.

As shade stood up he picked up his weapon and his HP bars revealed themselves.

Silica: 10 HP bars!

Kirito: this is going to be hard but we can do this and take him out.

Klein: this is insane but might as well go for it.

Everyone began rushing at shade in a different position and pulled out their weapons and began attacking shade Kirito focused mainly on getting shades weapon focused on him so the others can attack.

Asuna and yuuki kept on fighting each other and each blow became stronger.

Asuna: wake up yuuki please you don't have to do this!

Yuuki: don't tell me what to do this is my choice.

Yuuki activated her 11 hit combo and started rushing at asuna once again asuna activated her ability and tried to defend against the attack she deflected 10 of them but the 11 one hit her and made her fly back.

Kirito stared at where asuna just flew and saw she was in pain but managed to get up.

Kirito: wait a sec we shouldn't feel pain so what's happening unless....

Shades: that's right any damage you take here is real so be careful haha.

Everyone stared and stood in shock they were going through the same thing once again thinking if they'll make it this time.

Kirito: I'm not going to give up even if it costs me my life!

Kirito activated his ability and began striking at shade the attacks began pushing shade back and hurting him shade looked surprised and began panicking a bit everyone stared shocked as 3 of his HP bars went down and he was left with 3.

Shade: I've had enough of you!

Shade slammed the ground knocking kirito back and changing his weapon into a massive sword he began swinging at Kirito hard and his life points began lowering the others tried to get close but couldn't reach shade finally Kirito got knocked down and shade had him in the perfect spot kirito got up but really injured seeing that his life points are on the red bar asuna turned around and saw what was about to happen she activated her ability and flew towards kirito making yuuki confused she pushed Kirito away and took the massive blow.

Kirito: ASUNA!!!

Everyone looked at what happened and some began tearing yuuki stood their in shock and began twitching.

Inside yuukis head:

Yuuki: I've had enough of you!

Spirit: calm down I'm in charge!

Yuuki: no your not now get out of my head!

Yuuki hit the spirit and it vanished out of her she woke up in her body and stared at everyone her eyes were furious and she began glowing bright purple and flew towards shade who didn't see. Everyone turned to seen yuuki flying at shade and hitting him hard which knocked shade down she began attacking shade harder each time and shade looked surprised. Asuna began lifting her self up slowly to see yuuki attacking shade she smiled and kept watching finally yuuki activated her 11 hit combo and began damaging shade until finally he dropped to 0 HP.

Shade: IMPOSSIBLE! I can't die to some teenagers I will return mark my words!

Shade disappeared and everyone received a phantom weapon yuuki began running to asuna and held her hand and began crying.

Yuuki: I'm so sorry asuna I didn't know what I was doing I'll never forgive myself!

Asuna: yuuki it wasn't your fault you were been controlled but im glad your back I missed you.

Yuuki: I missed you too.

Everyone left the dungeon and got to asuna and Kirito house and relaxed.

Yuuki: Asuna can you do me a favour?

Asuna: sure what is it?

Yuuki: go to this place when you get back.

Asuna: ok I will

We got back to the real world and looked at each other everyone had at least a cut on them so we sorted everything out.

Kirito: Asuna you didn't have to take the hit for me.

Asuna: I couldn't leave you there I care to much for you.

Kirito: thank you.

Asuna: your welcome now excuse me I have to go somewhere.

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