Chapter 26: The battle of ALO

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The world of the once beautiful city was now a nighttime pit of hell, fires were breaking out everywhere and people were either running away or fighting back the hordes.

Sinon flew towards the two giant beasts and took a good look at them.

Sinon: there is no way in hell I can take out something of that size.

She looked around for any ideas and suddenly she remembered that they added a new call and video call feature.

Kirito: any reason your calling me right now?!

Sinon: I have bad news, yuuki released two massive beasts and they're heading for the mainframe.

Kirito: do they have names?

Sinon: yes Phantom blue eyed demon and Phantom skull reaper.

Kirito: Wait did you just say blue eyed demon and skull reaper?!

Sinon: yes and I need some help now silica is wounded, rain is fighting shade and Asuna and Yuuki are having a showdown but asuna took her away from here so we can sort them out.

Kirito: alright I'll be there in 2 mins you take care of the blue eyed demon and I'll sort out the skull reaper.

Sinon: alright see you soon.

The call ended and sinon was now facing the beasts, she took her bow out and got her arrows ready.

Sinon: where the hell is your critical spot?

She looked around the beast until she found a glowing red crystal in his chest.

Sinon: let's put your reaction time to a test.

Sinon grabbed 1 arrow and launched it at the crystal however the demon saw it coming and quickly hit it away with his hand.

Sinon: he's fast but he's going to have to do better to dodge my attacks.

Kirito flew under the skull reaper and took both of his swords out.

Kirito: this may hurt a little.

Both of the swords were now slicing through both sides of the skull reapers legs, the skull reaper screamed as it fell to the floor with no legs.

Kirito: that should hold you down.

Black essence started coming of the reapers body and his legs began growing back.

Kirito: you've got to be joking.

Sinon: look for a red crystal that's his weak spot.

Kirito looked at the skull reaper and noticed his eyes were shining.

Kirito: his eyes are his critical spot.

Sinon was now increasing the amount of arrows she fired each time yet no luck of hitting it.

Sinon: guess I'm going to have to try use the skill.

Sinon powered her bow and got 5 arrows ready, all of them had a special colour to them.

Sinon: alright let's try this, serect skill Cupids arrow!

All 5 arrows launched into the sky in a shape of a Pentagon, a portal opened up inside of the shape and a huge arrow came out if it.

Sinon: Maximum power!

The arrow grew to the size of a plane and aimed down at the demon.

Sinon: Fire!

The arrow launched down at the demon picking up speed, before reaching the end the arrow began lighting up and was surrounded with red fire.

Kirito: Sinon get out you don't have any mana and you're low on health!

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