chapter 5: reunion

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Asuna ran to the location she was given she didn't know why she was going there but, Yuuki wanted her to see something. Asuna looked up at the location and saw some sort of building that looked like a hospital she entered through the main entrance and looked around then a nurse came up to her.

Nurse: hello, do you need help with anything?

Asuna: yes I would like to go to room G035.

Nurse: sure just follow me we took her nerv gear of not long ago.

Asuna began thinking what she was on about taking off someone's nerv gear what's going on.

Nurse: She woke up not long ago so your welcome to go see her.

Asuna: ok thank you.

The nurse nodded and walked off Asuna looked at the door and grabbed the door handle and slowly twisted it as she opened the door a bright light hit her eyes but a few seconds later she got use to she walked in and stared in shock at what she was seeing her eyes began tearing and the girl turned to look at her she had purple hair and crimson red eyes.

Yuuki: hey Asuna I knew you would come here.

Asuna: Yuuki your in the real world?

Yuuki: yeah the deal with shade included me coming to the real world too so here I am.

Asuna: You won't die or anything?

Yuuki: Of course I'll still die but when I'm old of course.

Asuna: I've missed you so much

Yuuki: I missed you too.

Asuna came up to yuuki and gave her a hug she finally stopped crying and both of them spent a lot of time in the room then the same nurse that led Asuna came in.

Nurse: Konno Yuuki?

Yuuki: yes?

Nurse: the results are positive and show no sign of any problems so your free to go.

Yuuki smiled and was surprised into another hug by asuna.

Asuna: this time I can show you the world for real.

Yuuki: can't wait.

Yuuki and Asuna left the hospital and looked at the sun it was about 4pm so they had time to do a couple of things.

Asuna: So what do you want to do first?

Yuuki: think we should go to the others to explain the whole situation.

Asuna: That's a good idea we should also visit my house and go talk to my mom.

Yuuki: why do we have to go to your mom?

Asuna: to ask if you can live with us if course.

Yuuki: almost forgot but sure we can be like sisters.

Asuna: never had one so it will be a great experience.

Asuna arrived at the house everyone was staying in and everyone looked at her.

Kirito: welcome back Asuna.

Asuna: thanks but I'm not alone.

Everyone looked at her confused until yuuki entered through the door.

Yuuki: hey everyone.

Klein: wait what how... I give up what is going on?!

Asuna explains the whole thing to everyone and how Yuuki is here.

Sinon: well that makes sense.

Silica: a bit of a weird sense but understandable.

Leafa: well then welcome to the group.

Yuuki: thank you

Asuna: where's agil?

Kirito: yeah forgot to tell you we were in there for about a day so he had to rush back to work.

Asuna: how where we their for a day without eating food here?

Kirito: we think it might be because of the real damage so that might mean food was real too.

Asuna: that does make sense, well I have to go now need to talk with my mom.

Kirito: alright see you tomorrow.

Asuna and yuuki arrived at Asuna's house and entered it.

Asuna's mom: Welcome back asuna did you have a nice time?

Asuna: yeah I need to talk to you about something.

Asuna's mom: alright.

Asuna tells her about Yuuki and what happened.

Asuna's mom: well thats interesting.

Asuna: Yeah so can she live here?

Asuna's mom: I guess she can.

Asuna: really thank you so much!

Asuna's mom: however you have to sort her out for school and get her clothes is that clear?

Asuna: yes mom

Asuna's mom went into the living room where Yuuki was.

Asuna's mom: well Yuuki welcome to the family feel welcome and hope you have fun here.

Yuuki: thank you so much.

It was 9pm and finally asuna's room was sorted out with 2 beds yuuki and asuna both layer in their beds.

Yuuki: this is how I wanted my life to be full of happiness and be around my friends.

Asuna: now that you can do anything now and also I'm not your friend.

Yuuki: what that's a bit harsh!

Asuna: don't you remember were sisters know.

Yuuki: oh yeah sorry well its great to have you sis.

Asuna: you too know lets get some sleep for tomorrow its going to big day.

Yuuki: goodnight Asuna.

Asuna: goodnight Yuuki.

Both of them shut their eyes and had big smiles on their faces knowing tomorrow would be a new day, new life and a new adventure.

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