Chapter 23: The birth of the dark and light lords

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Everyone one sat in Asuna's and Kirito's in silence everyone in shock after the event that happened today.

Kirito sat next to Asuna and gave her a cup of tea.

Kirito: how are you feeling?

Asuna: its all my fault.

Kirito: Don't blame yourself it was her choice.

Asuna: she was going to get rid of the power but I stood in her way.

Kirito: don't blame yourself for it we all took part in it.

Silica: guys sinon's waking up.

Everyone rushed to sinon who was lying on the sofa.

Sinon: What......where am I?

Kirito: Sinon its ok we got away from there.

Sinon: guess i made the stun bullet to powerful.

Lizbeth: well you know we weren't expecting it to get sent back at you.

Sinon: how long was I knocked out for?

Silica: about 9 hours.

Sinon: 9 hours?!

Kirito: yeah and silica didn't leave you for the entire time.

Sinon: you stayed by me for 9 hours.

Silica: of course I would its what friends are for.

Sinon: so what happened to yuuki?

Everyone stood there looking at each other hoping someone would explain.

Rain: she's became a monster....

Klein: dude what the hell is wrong with you calling your girlfriend that.

Rain: you don't understand as a half demon I'm still strong but she's way stronger now.

Asuna: what do you mean?

Rain: in the demons chain their are ranks set out that you can get to or get sent back down, everyone starts at demon minon and makes their way to becoming a demon I was born as a half demon which is rare but not the highest.

Kirito: so is demon god the highest?

Rain: demon god is the rank after mine so the strongest however, there is one rank stronger than all demons.

Sinon: the dark Lord rank?

Rain: correct, there has only been one dark lord in the entire world and that was centuries ago but, now a new dark lord has been made and will not stop until they have what they want.

Kirito: that is what exactly?

Rain: the entire world to be theirs.

Leafa: but she's in the virtual world so she can't go to the real world.

Rain: if she makes it to the main frame she can hack it and spawn into the real world along with her army.

Sinon: well than we have to stop her!

Mysterious voice: the archer is right.

Everyone turned around to see a floating white orb slowly moving to them.

Kirito: who are you?

Mysterious orb: I am a spirit from the past from the ages of darkness.

Rain: you mean you were part of the great war.

Mysterious orb: yes I was the light lord, I thought hard and in the end to defeat the dark lord.

Silica: so can you help us?

Mysterious orb: I'm afraid this isn't my task to do.

Rain: so how can we defeat her?

Mysterious orb: a new light lord must be assigned.

Silica: so do we just decide?

Mysterious voice: I do not decide but the power itself does, this can be anyone of you or none of you.

The white orb turned into white dust and flew into the middle of the room, every surrounded it and closed their eyes seeing if any of them were chosen.

Mysterious orb: one of you has the requirements of becoming a light lord and so the decision has been made.

Everyone opened their eyes and looked around the room for the white orb, it was now floating over Asuna who looked at it in shock.

Asuna: Me?

Mysterious orb: does she mean a lot to you?

Asuna: she's like a sister to me of course I care for her.

Mysterious orb: than you have something to fight for and with this power you will defeat her.

The mysterious orb flew into Asuna's body and a white glow emitted from her.

The light disappeared and Asuna's hair was now a cyan blur and she was now wearing white robes with a staff that had a crystal at the end. 

Kirito: Asuna are you still yourself.

Asuna: dumbest question ever.

Kirito: oh so I guess you don't turn into some other person like yuuki.

Asuna: no but I'm pretty powerful now, apparently my level right now is infinity.

Kirito: WHAT?!

Silica: haha is someone jealous?

Kirito: what?, no I just didn't know it was possible.

Sinon: well she's going to need some training so let's train her up.

*Meanwhile in the underworld*

Shade: your Majesty the army production has begun.

Yuuki: Good, the army will be needed soon.

Shade: May I ask what the plan is?

Yuuki: we shall take over this land and hack into its mainframe, than we shall enter the world and take over it.

Shade: oh I like the sound of world domination.

Yuuki: Send the scouts out to report any strange activity or reports on cities.

Shade: right away.

Yuuki: also I fear that we are at risk.

Shade: what do you mean?

Yuuki: a light lord has been summoned in this world.

Shade: guess its going to be harder than.

Yuuki: they still haven't master their power but I need to know who holds it, send the phantom scouts too and tell them to find this light lord.

Shade: yes my queen.

Yuuki stood out on her balcony of her newly built fortress lookin over the production line of her army, she let of a small grin and walked away knowing that this is a fight she will win.

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