Chapter 12 destruction in the virtual world

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The demon realm:

Hades: we must attack today we need to start a war against.

Wraith: perhaps we can convince her to give up herself to save the others.

Hades: yes Thats good thinking she seems like one of those people who would give up themselves.

Mienor: so should I strike today?

Hades: here take this it will increase your power.

Mienor: a darkness crystal?!, hades are you sure?

Hades: we need to stop this girl no matter what, go in there make some destruction and bring her here.

Mienor: it will be my pleasure hades.

Meanwhile in the virtual world:

Klein: why are we here?

Kirito: since yui is a real player we need to level her up and help her get stronger.

Yui: can I be a healer like mommy?

Asuna: sure I can teach you a lot even yuuki can teach you some.

Yuuki: well I'm more of a swordsmen but sure I'll try.

Kirito: well then I'll go grab some gear from the chest for her.

After yui got equipped we went to a high dungeon in a party and  attacked the monsters there which increased yuis level really high she even put in some attacks herself.

Yuuki: well we cleared this floor so what now?

Rain: and you didn't leave me a single monster.

Yuuki goes pink.

Asuna: oh hi rain.

Rain: hey everyone.

Yui: oh your rain you know yuuki told me a lot about you.

Rain: really?

Yui: yeah you know she really likes you and....

Before yui could finish the sentence yuukis hand was over her mouth.

Yuuki: none of that is real I swear....

Everyone began laughing and yuuki just rubbed her head not knowing what to do.

Kirito: well since we killed your monsters you can join our party and help us level up yui.

Rain: sure that seems fun.

Klein: weren't you a solo player in sao?

Rain: yeah this my first big party I'm in.

Asuna: wait so the first party you ever were in was with yuuki?!

Rain: yep it's kinda of weird.

Yuuki went pink again she couldn't believe that she was rains first party member.

Silica: well welcome to the group anyway we have to level her up so let's go.

Kirito: yeah kind of got carried away.

After a entire day of attacking bosses yui reached lv75 which gave her good stats.

Yui: wow I'm really strong now thanks everyone.

Asuna: well I guess we can call it a day.

As everyone walked over a hill they heard screams of players and saw flames.

Kirito: what the hell is going on?!

Asuna: we should go check it out.

Everyone ran down to where the screams were heard and saw a massive demon throwing fireballs.

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