Chapter 17: a day not to be forgotten

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Today Yuuki messaged rain and told him to go online today and Asuna told everyone to be there just in case eventually everyone met up and rain was standing outside next to a tree.

Yuuki: alright explain yourself.

Rain: what do you want to know first?

Yuuki: how are you half demon! And why didn't you tell me?!

Rain: its a lot more complicated and I didn't want to share it with you until you became a half angel in which I knew you were going to find out soon.

Yuuki: I don't care how complicated the story is speak up.

Rain: I don't have a heart....

Everyone stared at him with confusion as to what he was trying to say.

Asuna: your a robot?!

Rain: what no I'm not a robot.

Yuuki: explain to us what you mean then.

Rain: when I was born my heart was weak and my parents knew that I wouldn't last long so they asked doctors but they couldn't do anything until they made a deal with a demon.

Kirito: what happened?

Rain: my parents gave up their lives to safe me however I did not get a new heart and I wasn't given a demon heart.... I became a weapon to be used.

Silica: so how are you alive if you don't have a heart?

Rain: they put a artifact in me, one of the my dangerous and rarest ones.

Leafa: what exactly was that?

Rain: I'm alive because my heart is a fragment of the remains of chronos.

Everyone moved back in shock.

Yuuki: why didn't you tell me! Let me guess are love wasn't true too!

Rain: that was true however the fragment doesn't allow me to o certain things and I managed o control it but once I activate my strongest power my demon powers activate just like your half angel powers.

Yuuki: alright I guess were done.

Yui: were not done yet.

Asuna: yui what's wrong?

Yui: back in the dungeon he wasn't using his normal sword it had a force stronger then yuukis sword.

Kirito: show us your inventory.

Rain: what are you serious?!

Kirito pointed his sword at rain.

Rain: fine calm down.

Rain put all the things on the floor that he was carrying.

Yui: I don't see it let me scan him.

Yui scanned him and then she moved back.

Asuna: yui does he have it.

Yui: yes he spell bounded his sword so only he can hold it and normally people can't see it.

Yuuki: take it out!

Rain: yuuki please calm down___

Yuuki slashed rain around the check and pointed her sword again.

Yuuki: I said take it out.

Rain opened his inventory once more and pulled out the sword and everyone moved back in more shock.

Asuna: Thats impossible....

Kirito: I used that sword in sao and I deleted it how the hell did you get that!!!

Rain: you see I was in sao too while training to become a half demon however one day a bunch of monsters came in and took it from me and thanks to you it came back.

Kirito: I'm going to kill you for this!

Rain: what did you not know you were wielding the sword of death.

Asuna: what do you mean?

Rain: you see kirito wasn't strong because of his skills only the sword gets extra damage on enemy's but not monsters only other players so when he killed those 3 people and hurt others that was the true power of the sword.

Kirito: enough of this if its true fight me now!

Rain turned around and started to walk off and kirito couldn't hold back and flew at him with both swords but instead rain quickly used his sword and bashed him back by hitting his swords in the centre.

Kirito: Thats impossible other of my swords are stronger against any sword?!

Rain: so you thought.

Everyone else began attacking and yuuki stood there in shock not knowing what to do, rain defended himself against all hits and finally used 1 of skills to launch everyone back and he disappeared.

Asuna: where did he go?

Kirito: he ran off.

Asuna: everyone ok?

Suddenly there was aloud scream and everyone turned around to see sinon on the ground with her arm bleeding.

Leafa: omg that sword does real damage!

Silica: sinon hang in there.

Sinon laid on the grass biting her teeth together in pain.

Asuna: we need to log of now.

Everyone logged off and woke up kirito ran first to sinons house and saw blood on the bed and sinon crying in pain.

Sinon: kirito is that you?

Kirito: don't talk I'm going to take you to the hospital.

Kirito picked sinon up and began running eventually he made it and called everyone up telling them what's going on.

Yuuki sat in the hospital in rage after what rain did she knew he couldn't trust him anymore and if he wanted to declare a war on me then its on as light always beats darkness so you better be ready rain because my blade will be the first to cut your throat for what you did today and I'll never forgive you.

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