Chapter 8 Festival time

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It was a beautiful morning the sun was just coming up and Asuna was reading through the leaflet to find out were the festival was going to take place in town and she wanted to take Yuuki as she hasn't been at one in a while.

Yuuki: why are you up so early?

Asuna: just reading through this leaflet.

Yuuki: you have more plans.

Asuna: yep today is going to be fun we need to go on some shopping though.

Yuuki: more shopping?!

Asuna: that's right but were only going to get a couple of items.

Yuuki: please give me at least 10 more minutes to wake up.

Asuna: haha alright.

Yuuki came down stairs and sat at the table to join everyone for breakfast after that everything got cleaned up and Asuna took Yuuki to the mall again.

Yuuki: so what exactly are we getting?

Asuna: a kimono

Yuuki: why do we need a kimono?

Asuna: theirs going to be a festival later and I want to take you to it.

Yuuki: oh that sounds really fun I can't remember last time I was at one.

Asuna: well let's find you a good one I need just some other things.

Yuuki: you already have a kimono?

Asuna: for special occasions.

Yuuki: alright let's go then!

As they arrived at the shopping mall they saw a sign saying there was a sale on kimonos in a store for only today so both of them rushed to the shop to see a lot of kimonos in front of them.

Asuna: well go look at some and try them on.

Yuuki: alright I'll see what ones there are.

As Yuuki walked passed some one caught her eye it was a beautiful purple that reminded her of her avatar so she grabbed it and went to the changing rooms she first put on some others ones until she put on the purple one she moved the curtain and walked to asuna.

Yuuki: what do you thing of this one?

Asuna: oh my gos Yuuki this one is beautiful and matches you.

Yuuki: and its purple of course hehe.

Asuna: haha yeah you really love everything that's purple.

Yuuki: well I know this is the one for sure so let's go buy it.

Asuna: right we still have a couple of hours.

After visiting a few more shops they arrived back home and starting getting Asuna showed Yuuki how to do her make up and helped her with straighten her hair finally there were ready to go they put on their kimonos and walked down the stairs.

Asuna: alright we have to go into town and it should be there.

Yuuki: alright what are we waiting for?

Asuna: taking the camera quickly.

Yuuki: oh yeah we got some good pictures yesterday and we should get some today.

Asuna locked the door and they both walked down to the centre on their way they saw more girls wearing kimonos so they knew they were heading to the right place.

Asuna: well this is it.

Yuuki: look how colourful it is!

Asuna: yeah matches the stars.

Yuuki: and they have all these shops open.

Asuna: they're going to have a firework show later.

Yuuki: fireworks! I always wanted to see them!

Asuna: alright calm down we have time.

Yuuki: sorry haha.

Yuuki ran to every shop and saw what was for sale Asuna slowly followed her taking pictures of the festival after a while they came to a place where you can have a picture taken they both looked at each other and smiled.

Asuna: can we have a picture taken?

Photographer: sure please stand over there.

Asuna: ok thanks.

Photographer: alright now smile

Both of them smiled and the picture was taken the man printed it and gave it to them they thanked him and walked to sit were the firework show was being held.

Yuuki: is it going to start soon?

Asuna: in about 2 minutes.

Yuuki: ok and also thank you.

Asuna: for what?

Yuuki: for giving me a life I could never have imagined.

Asuna: well then thank you too.

Yuuki: what for?

Asuna: for being my sister.

Yuuki: well I guess if we keep saying thank you will be stuck like this until the end of today.

Asuna: haha yeah well the fireworks are about to begin so get ready to watch.

As both of them looked up fireworks of different colours began exploding making the sky bright and colourful Asuna and Yuuki both watched in amazement and took pictures of them. The end of the show came  and Asuna and Yuuki both got back they changed into their sleeping clothes and fell a sleep.

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