Chapter 25: the start of the great war

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Waves of shadows came out of no where and slaughtered anyone in their way, buildings well collapsing and fires were everywhere.

Kirito: there's to many!

Leafa: well any other ideas!

Sinon: we need to find their source like a summoner or a_____

Asuna: Portal!

In front stood 3 portals with creatures coming at them in waves.

Kirito: we need to take them out quickly!

Sinon shot an explosive arrow straight at the arrow but, a huge axe came out if one portal and blocked it.

Silica: it can't be...

Wraith: we meet again humans.

Kirito: what are you doing here!

Wraith: serving the dark lord of course.

Asuna: Yuuki asked you to help her.

Mienor: That's your Majesty, human.

Sinon: you again.

Asuna suddenly felt a vision of a portal been summoned elsewhere and yuuki was coming out of there.

Asuna: I sense her.

Kirito: what Yuuki?

Asuna: yes, she's to the west.

Wraith: ah, so you're the light lord.

Kirito: stay away from her!

Asuna: kirito its ok.

Kirito: go, bring yuuki home and return with her.

Asuna: thank you kirito, I love you.

Kirito: I love you too, now go.

Silica: I'm coming.

Sinon: me too.

Asuna: guys you don't have too.

Silica: no buts were going and that's it.

Asuna looked at sinon who nodded in agreement with silica.

Asuna: thank you guys, alright let's go.

Asuna, Sinon and Silica flew away as the others watched them go.

Wraith: if she expects to beat the dark lord she's a fool.

Kirito: she's no fool.

Mienor: well than let's fight.

Kirito: it will be my pleasure to kill you.

Kirito took out his other sword and prepared for battle.

Wraith: so you fixed your Excalibur.

Kirito: haha this isn't just the Excalibur, behold the True Excalibur.

The sword began glowing and the blade grew further and was now glowing with a yellow shade.

Mienor: how the hell did you get your smithing to max and get a high king crystal to do it?!

Lizbeth: your looking at the best blacksmith in the game.

Wraith: no matter, will still beat you.

Kirito: guys be careful remember that the damage here is real.

Leafa: so what do we do?

Kirito: split into two parties, keep parrying and switching.

Rain suddenly felt another demon coming into the realm.

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