Out of La La Land

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-Yes, this book does have a weird title, and it is kind of weird, but it's just me talking about random crap that happens in my life. This is strange, ok, but I think otherwise.-

Normal people are the crazy ones, and you are reading this book, you are not normal, but you just might be crazy.

This is a good rule for anyone who is on a diet.

"This doughnut has purple in the middle, purple is a fruit."

-Homer Simpson

The strongest emotions and thoughts can not be put into words.

"Wake up! No sleeping in class!"

-Just about every teacher on earth

I believe we are all special... some more than others.

"Remember, you can always turn anything into a mountain, this has been painting with Bob Ross."


Why clean your room? Everything is already where you can find it.

Chocolate is awesome, strawberries are awesome, bananas are awesome, fruit is awesome. How come chocolate isn't a fruit?

We are all crazy, don't complain.

Running away doesn't solve anything, so don't do it... unless Cato' s ghost is coming for you.

Your friend stands up for you... do the same for them.

Come on! You are in la la land aren't you? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

Believe in yourself. 'Cause if you don't, who do you believe in?

That's not a spelling mistake! I'm speaking in a different language.

I hate autocorrect... but I need it.

We are all related in some way... it's so creepy.

Don't yawn in front of a motorcycle driving, leather coat wearing, buff, old substitute teacher. It may be the last thing you do.

We are family... NO!!!

It's a parent's job to embarrass you. They get paid to do it.

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