Stupid Random Mistakes

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Okay, so I'm sitting here and I hear Marge (little sis) say something really stupid, and I thought, 'Oh, I'll tell my friends , they'll think it's funny.' But I can't exactly inbox them something that random, so it's just like, Out of La La Land.... I can tell them there. Then here comes the guilt, I haven't updated anything.... in FOREVER. And it's just, oh no.... OH NO!!!!!!! So here I am, back from reality. Hope you guys like this chapter, and I will be updating ALL of my books (at least, almost all of my books) over the course of next week, today is Saturmondaywednesthursday. Aka, Saturday.... I think, anyhoosle, this is the chapter, and the rest is coming.

Marge said (while holding up a bag of powdered sugar, my mom and her were making rice crispies bars), "Do we need the baking soda for this?"........................ -_-

You ever have that horrible feeling someone is watching you and laughing? That's the dead people (from The Sixth Sense). They think you look weird.

I'm sorry, but has anyone ever put themselves into a book or movie after you watched (or read) it? Like your life is that movie? I'm doing that right now, all I'm saying is that Chiron looks a lot wiser in real life.

Teenager posts+minecraft=my life

I thought I could gain fame by making my life into a YouTube series, but then I thought, 'All other teens go through this.... No one would watch except senior citizens trying to feel young again.

I can't think of anything else..... I have a horrible memory, except when it comes to people. Anyway, goodbye!!!

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