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-I'm bored, can't think of a title, so ya.-

Geeks are way different from nerds. Nerds are smart, geeks play video games. What am I?

*Batman theme*

Chippy chippy chippy chippy chippy chippy chippy chippy, CHIPMUNK, CHIPMUNK!

My little sister is reading "The First Christmas"

"And the oxen and the sheep and the ass.... Wait, what?!?"

If we laughed out loud as much as we say lol, it would be hilarious. lol, ;)

"He sees you went your sleeping." Stalker.

"He knows when your awake." Stalker.

"He knows if you've been bad or good...." Stalker.

"So be good for goodness sake!" BRIBERY!!!

Julius Caesar's last words should have been; Darn it! Those conspiracy theories!

Is that thunder?!? Oh, the dog just has an upset stomach.

*hanging on to the edge of a cliff*

"Look Mom! No hands! Whaaaaaaaa...."

"The trombones sound like farts!"

"Isn't that how you play a trombone? Make a farting sound into it?"

"Is it a bird, is it a plane? No, it's...."

"An albatross?"

I thought penguins were flightless, how come books say that they, "fly gracefully underwater"?

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