A Very Early Christmas

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-Come on! Quotes people!-

Cheer people up by making a joke. Or just annoy them. Either one works.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree... You help us find our presents every year!

I <3 cats. They warm my pillow up every night.

Yeah, I'm a girl. Deal with it.

Okay, this chapter is going to be Christmasy. I'm just in the holiday mood.

We all love our cats and our Christmas trees by themselves. But when you put them in the same room you realize that cats like CLIMBING trees.

"The children were all nestled, all snug in their beds. While vision of sugarplums danced in their heads."

-The Night Before Christmas

I'm sorry, but what are sugarplums, and why are they dancing?

I like my tree, it's random.

Sure we like hot chocolate, candy canes, Christmas trees, presents and ornaments. But we REALLY like a hot fire place to lay besides after a crazy sledding party.

I wonder what happens to Santa's old reindeer.... Reindeer jerky?

"A new puppy for Christmas! Yeah!"

Five years later...

"What's that on the picnic table.... MOM! The dog put a deer head on the table!"

I remember when my parents talked me into my new baby sister and how she would play with me and how she would be my new best friend.... They were wrong.

I love Christmas carols, they remind me that Christmas break is just around the corner.

"Strike the harp and join the chorus. Fa la la la la, la la la laaa."

My least favorite lines.... I'm named Harper....

Merry Christmas! (Yeah, it's in awhile, but I'm sooooo excited!)

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