Too Many Stories From the Farm

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Okay, I live on a farm.... with lots of animals. I should be used to seeing miscellaneous parts of dead animals on my doorstep and front yard. But nooooooo! The dogs decide to surprise me. They dragged a ram's delicate parts down from the compost heap, and onto the old welcome mat. WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?! You would think that they would stop! But they had to drag that down, had to!!!!!!!!!!!!

So now there is a sheep intestine by the barn, ram jewels on the doorstep and a sheep's skin in the yard. Oh, and a goat's head I staring at you when you dump the compost.... that goat was one of my friends.......... the first goat I named......... SNOWFLAKE!!!!!!!!!

And the cats.... they love killing things; rabbits, snakes, mice, pigeons, rats and other random crap. That's fine, until they bring it into the garage to rot. We have a dead pigeon and mouse lying in our garage right now, maybe there is more, I don't know.... or care.

We have chickens, lots and lots of chickens. Broilers, layers and roosters. The broilers are DISGUSTING but they don't even compare to the others.

One year we let the hens hatch eggs, we got, like, 10 roosters. They would hang out around the door and jump on any hen that entered..... you know what I mean!!!!!!!!! O_O

That year we would find dead roosters EVERYWHERE!!!!!! In the coop, pasture, haymow.... you name it!!! THEY WERE ALL KILLING EACH OTHER OFF!!!!!!!!!!!

We ended up murdering them (not me, I hid in the house). And that was that...... Well, no. Some of the roosters' skeletons are still lying around, no one wants to throw them away.

Okay, this might be a surprise for those chicken lovers.... but, CHICKENS ARE CANNIBALS!!!!!!!!!! You throw an egg at them, they eat their unborn baby. One of them is injured, they peck it's eyeballs out, then eat it. Once they pecked one of the hens head open, WHILE IT WAS ALIVE. YOU COULD SEE THE BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! If you throw a piece of moldy chicken from the fridge into their coop, THEY WILL EAT IT LIKE THEY HAVE NEVER EATEN BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!! CHICKENS ARE FUCKING CANNIBALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you still like chickens.... you have serious issues.

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