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Okay, I'm bored.... And I'm not supposed to be online right now. Oh, it's also raining, a lot. Wind, rain, cold, the works. I'm sitting in my room, the cold, drafty and creaky part of the house. I'm farthest from the fireplace and right next to the attic door. Which is a piece of Styrofoam on top of plywood. But I'm fine. I have cats!

The math state test is tomorrow.... we don't get a calculator. I. Hate. Math.

There were two spiders on my room today. They were the same size and the same species. Both of them were on the walls directly across from each other. Anyone else think they are spy robots?

I have clean clothes at the end of my bed. I probably should put (fun fact: autocorrect thought that I was going to put 'penguins' instead of 'put'... lol) them away. But I won't. Why? Because I'm lazy right now.

I was reading Immortality and I got that feeling that I haven't got in a few years. That feeling where you are truly in love with the book, where you feel for the character. Where you read it again and again and never stop loving it. And it felt awsome. So I'm waiting for the book to update... waiting to know what happens next. Oh, read Inamortata... it's awsome! And then you can read Immortality, which is the sequel.

Okay, so I saw a HUGE worm. I'm not talking a few inches long. I'm saying 2 feet and as big around as my arm. It was right outside my barn!!!!!!!!! I have no idea what planet it came from, or anything. In fact, I was about to poke it to see if it was alive when I realized something.

It isn't a worm.

It's dead.

It isn't an alien.

It's a sheep's intestine.

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