Are you sad? COME ON!!!

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-Well, the only reason you are reading this chapter is that you might be sad. Or crazy....-

The only reason we cry is that we want people to notice that we are sad or hurt. When you cry you want attention.

If you make your face a mask, no one can tell how you really feel... no one can help you.

Teenagers and preteens; we act like we are tough, to us nothing can hurt us, we think we are indestructible. We aren't, our messed up, crazy, adolescent minds are not even close to being indescribable. Don't act like you are, don't do anything stupid.

Physical pain is nothing compared to mental pain. But you can control mental pain.

If you laugh instead of cry I can't help you.

Sadness- (adjective), (1) The opposite of joy (2) An emotion where you cry

Everyone feels sad. You are not alone.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but word will never hurt me.... Yeah right."

-Bill Watterson

-Yeah, short chapter, I know. I will be adding on to this. But I need some ideas and comments. If you know a quote then don't hesitate to write it in the comments. Please, I need suggestions! Comment!-

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