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Okay, so there's this sever thunderstorm warning for our area (Mob Crew's) and I love thunderstorms...... LOVE THEM!!!!! And my whole family just ran around the house closing windows because it started out of no where. There's thunder sounding outside, lightning and all that fun shit..... I just feel awesome! It's so refreshing, everyone's afraid of this natural force and it really is beautiful. I adore it, it just fun. Nature's fireworks and heavy metal music.

Am I the only one who thinks this? Or am I just the weirdo who says fire is graceful and storms are epic? Does this energize anyone else? Cause I feel hyper, and its just because of the storm. Oh, I'm painting a chair. OH!!!! That was loud, now Woody (my overweight Austrailian Shepard) is freaking out.

All the lights in the house are off (it's 10:50 PM) and the lightning is lighting up the whole house. Most of it is striking 1-0.5 miles away. This is goddamned epic!!!!!!

Okay, I'm gonna enjoy this natural firework show, GOODBYE!!!

Wait, the internet is buggy right now....gonna post this later. So this was typed last night.

Ha, another one. Ok, as you know, I'm not scared by thunderstorms, but there was one lightning strike last night that scared me so much. Last night I had one of those moments you get when you're four, I wanted to run to my parents and ask if I could sleep in their room tonight. I didn't do that, luckily. Now you're probably asking what scared me. Lightning stuck within 50-100 feet of our house, it struck so close that the house shook (this is a 200+ year old, sturdy, two story house we're talking about) and those test buttons on some of the new outlets popped. It was frickn terrifying!!! I was scared because I have a metal ladder leaning on the my side of the house. A METAL LADDER!!!!!!!!! But nothing was harmed..... except those outlets.

Also, a village north-east of us got hit pretty bad. I heard that there are alot of trees down. Oh, the link on the side shows the storm. Anyway, now I'm done.

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