Explainatibicblahblahblah......... FORGET IT! I'm just telling you something

30 5 1

Okay, you guys see that I have only updated this.... No Skittish Rouge or Gray or In Ink........ Oh, crap. IGNORE THE IN INK PART!!!!!!!! Well, ya. I have been kinda busy. School, marching band.... that stuff. So I have only been updating this.... And HOLY MOTHER OF GUACAMOLE!!!!!! I GTG!!!!!! MARCHING BAND PRACTICE IS LIKE...... IN 30 MINUTES!!!!!! AND I LIVE A RIDICULOUS AWAYS AWAY FROM THE SCHOOL SO UH....... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.... all that shit...... um, PINEAPPLES!!!!!!!! GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!

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