This is the POEMS

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I am your ally.

I am your enemy.

I know all your secrets.

I know all your faults.

I don't trust your boyfriend.

I protect you from harm.

You cry on my shoulder.

You trust me to be strong.

You tell me your crush,

and the teasing starts.

I know who you are.

I know where you live.

I come to your house like I live there.

I go away, dragging my feet.

I slap you.

Then take you to the nurse's office,

cause I care.

I walk in your dreams.

I haunt your nightmares.

You know me well.

I know you too.

You know my secrets,

and tease me.

You get sick,

I laugh.

I get sick,

you laugh.

We trust each other.

We are loyal to the last second.

We get into fights,

then we feel bad.

I tease you constantly.

You tease me back.

We stand up for each other,

we have each other's backs.

I joke with you,

saying embarrassing things.

You scold me, for who knows what.

I listen to you,


You listen to me,


I am you ally,

I am your enemy.

We know each other,

like the backs of our hands.

I am a villain.

I am your best friend.


That Girl

I'm that girl.

You know me.

I'm the girl who never drank Gatorade.

The girl who didn't know.

The girl who had never had fruit rollups.

The girl who had never seen a D.S. until kindergarten.

The girl who only knew of Frogger and Tetris.

Who hadn't seen Lunchables before.

The girl who's life changed,

In sixth grade.

Now I'm that girl.

The one who can't take her face out of a screen.

The tomboy, turned geek.

That girl who hadn't seen a screen besides a TV until school.

The girl who is now a geek.

Who is on YouTube 24/7.

That girl.

That's me.

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