Chapter 5

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"Wipe that look off of your face before I wipe it off for you," I said, hostility dripping off my voice. "You failed to mention anything about him SLEEPING OVER YOUR HOUSE," he harshly whispered over the teacher.


"Liam, please stop bugging her and pay attention," Mrs. Grande said as she wrote on the white board. I covered my mouth and quietly snickered as Liam sank into his seat. Thank god he was the only one of my friends in my English class. Fortunately, Mrs. Grande's lecture lasted the entire class so Liam didn't have a chance to pester me. There was a bit of a jam walking out of the class and I noticed that Aaron and I were about to squeeze through the door at the same time, but he stopped and said, "Ladies first." I gratefully smiled at him and Liam managed to also squeeze past Aaron.

"I believe he said 'Ladies first,' Liam." I frowned. He shrugged his shoulders. "I have every right to take advantage of your new found relationship with Mr. City Boy." I rolled my eyes at him. "There's no relationship to take advantage of."

"That's not what the signals he's sending you are saying," he sang, disappearing into his next class. Signals? He's sending me signals? What was Liam seeing that I wasn't? I aimlessly walked into my next class, ignoring Carlos and Thomas pelting questions at me. I assumed that Liam had texted them of the news since he couldn't talk to me about it during class. As annoying as they were, everything they said when straight through one ear and out the other. It was also pretty easy to space out during class, considering that Economy wasn't the most enticing subject out there.

I couldn't help but think about if Aaron really did like me. It had only been a day of actually talking to him. Wasn't I jumping to conclusions too soon? I didn't actually know if I had any romantic interest towards him though. He was quite attractive and from what I've seen I guess he was a nice guy. Or maybe I was just letting myself imply that he was a nice guy because I somehow told him my..

I somehow told him my biggest kept secret. But even so, I guess I wouldn't mind if we dated. BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING, the bell rang interrupting my thoughts, thankfully so. What was I doing thinking about dating him already? I was only setting myself up for unnecessary heartbreak.

"You've tortured all of us for two periods. Please tell us what happened," Thomas pleaded as we sat down at our usual table. "You guys are going to be really disappointed when I tell you that nothing happened," I said trying to reduce their interest, but the curiosity in their faces remained.

"All he really did was stay the night, in a separate room, and he left before I even woke up," I urged, trying to ignore any memory of telling Aaron one of my darkest secrets. Liam narrowed his eyes at me and said, "If that's really all that happened, why does he keep looking at you like that?" "Like what?" Liam nodded his head over to the right, directing me where to look.

I peered over his shoulder only to lock eyes with Aaron's. I immediately looked away, feeling a blush rise on my face. "Okay, I see your point, but nothing happened."

"Nothing needed to happen. Once a guy likes a girl, he likes a girl." He winked. "You have class with him next, don't you?"Jason asked. "Yup, I have Chemistry with him."

"Hell yeah, you do," Lucas cheesily budded in. "I'm going to try really hard to forget that really lame comment you made," Chris said, scowling in distaste. I really wished that the guys didn't tell me that they were so sure that Aaron liked me especially since he was in my next two classes and I just happened to sit next to him in both of them.

Fortunately when I got to my seat he only smiled at me so I didn't have to worry about having a conversation with him. "I know it's only the second day of school, but we'll be jumping into our very first lab today," Mr. Dexer said. "It shouldn't be too hard for you all. I've placed a compound of chemicals at each lab station and all you have to do is run some tests and identify what's in your compound. You and your lab partner have till the end of the week to turn this in."Remember our safety rules and good luck," he said, sitting down behind his desk.

I glanced down at the test tube filled with a clear liquid. The assignment didn't seem too hard at all. The hard part really was trying not to act awkward around some who supposedly liked me. As I was about to start testing the compound, safety goggles were placed over my eyes.

"Safety first." Aaron said with a cheeky smile on his face. "Wouldn't want your eyes to dissipate out of your pretty little face, now would we?" He was flirting with me. The ever so popular city boy was flirting with me. Maybe the guys' suspicions were right. But it was okay; a girl could easily get used to this.

I playfully rolled my eyes and proceeded with the lab. "I work kind of fast. Hope you can keep up with me Mr. Safety." I smiled. He chuckled. "I like going fast." His straightforward tone made his comment seem like a ual innuendo or maybe I just had my mind focused on the wrong things.

I decided to leave the conversation off then and there in case I accidentally slipped something out and made things more awkward than they needed to be. Things seemed to be going fine and we were able to get a lot of work done.

That was until Aaron did something stupid. "Oh my god," I heard Aaron say in panic as I wrote down a few of the components we had found in our test tube. "Um, I think we should call the teacher over." "What are you talking about? We're doing fine," I said, lifting my eyes from the paper only to see Aaron nervously staring down at his chemical soaked shirt.

"Uh, I think you should probably take your shirt off," I said a little too blatantly. He looked up from his shirt and stared at me with bewilderment written on his face. "Aren't we moving a little too fast?" he asked as one side of his lip curved up into a side smirk. I felt heat rise to my face and my heart beat pick up rapidly, but I somehow managed to squeeze out a witty reply. "I thought you liked going fast."

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