Chapter 27

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After carefully signing my name, I couldn't help but feel a bit strange having so much money under my name. What was an 18 year old to do with so much cash? I could pay off all of my college tuition and still have a good majority left over. I could probably even afford to go to school in the States if I wanted.

"Fantasizing about all that money, huh?" Chico said with a chuckle as he neatly placed the files into his briefcase. "I suggest investing it into a good law school." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not becoming a lawyer." He chuckled as he pulled on his sleeve to check what time it was on his watch. "Hm, this took shorter than I thought it would. Do you want to grab a bite to eat? You look like you haven't eaten anything all day." I smiled at him.

He was basically like a brother to me even if we hadn't talked for years."Thanks for the offer, but I think I need to stay by Aaron's side today."

"Hm, I figured as much," he said standing up. "Well, good luck with that Caitlyn girl. She seems like quite the character." I almost forgot that she was in the hospital."I'll see you at the funeral, okay kiddo?" he said before patting me on the shoulder and walking towards the exit. I let out a sigh. I still had a funeral to plan. Walking back to Aaron's room, I ran into his father again."Do you and Aaron happen to know a Caitlyn at your school?"

"Yeah..." I said slowly nodding my head. "Why?"

"She keeps pestering the secretary if she can see him, but I don't know if we should let her in. But if you two know her-"

"NO!" I interjected. "Don't let her in. She and Aaron don't really get along well..." I quickly lied. His father raised a brow at me. "If you say so..."I barely dodged that bullet. I don't even know what could have happened if Caitlyn made it further than the waiting room and I didn't want to know either. "Anyways, Aaron is being released tonight, but he's going to be bedridden for a few weeks till he's healed and back on his feet. I'll leave it to you to collect his homework?" I nodded my head.

"I hope you can stop by the house every now and then. It seems he really enjoys your presence."

"Yes, of course." His pager went off and he left with a simple nod. I walked back into Aaron's room and he was on his phone.  I pulled up a chair next to him and as I sat down I received a text message. It was from Aaron. I chuckled at the boy who was literally a foot in front of me. But he couldn't talk, so I couldn't really blame him. 'Did I hear my father say Caitlyn was here?' I blinked back at him, wondering whether or not I should let him know that she was here. But if he already overheard his father, there would really be no point in lying to him.

"Yeah, she's here," I replied out loud. I looked to Aaron's face to see if I could read his expression, but considering all the surgery he had just had, he couldn't move his face at all. I inwardly sighed. I would just have to wait and see what he would say. 'How does she know I'm here?'

"My lawyer visited the school today looking for me and I guess she was in the room when he was directed here. Sorry, it's kind of my fault she's here," I said, slumping my shoulders. Aaron shook his hand in front of me probably implying not to apologize. He went back to typing and this message took quite a while for him to type out so I couldn't help but be curious about what he was writing out. After he sent the message, his head turned towards me, probably waiting for me to read his text.

'Don't be. It's not like she can get in here anyway. And... it's not like I have feelings for her. Not like I do for you...' My heart warmed at the last message, but another one came right after.

'Oh god, I guess not being able to talk is making me more brave than usual, or maybe it's all these drugs they've put me on' Leave it to Aaron to ruin the moment. 'But I just wanted to thank you for staying by my side through all of this. It can't be easy and as much as I wish you didn't have to go through all of the pain with me, I'm really glad you stuck around.'

I tried to choke back a few tears as Aaron extended his hand out to my own. I gently placed my own in his and flashed him a small grin. He used his other hand to type something up on his phone again.

'I'm assuming if Caitlyn knows the whole school probably knows by now, right?' I slowly nodded. 'When you go to school tomorrow, I'm going to need you to tell everyone that I got in a car accident, okay?' My eyebrows furrowed at the text. I knew he didn't like anyone knowing about his personal life, but beating cancer is such a huge thing. I knew he didn't enjoy it when other's pitied him, but he survived cancer. I don't think he would be getting any pity at all. My phone pinged and interrupted my thoughts.

'Okay?' I sighed at the text. It's not like I could go against his word. It was his life, not mine. "Okay, Aaron." Three weeks was all it took for Aaron to fully recover. I thought it would take much longer after seeing him unable to even get out of bed the entire first week.

He was still hooked up to an IV and he couldn't talk at all because his jaw was still healing. Miraculously the next week, I came over and he was up on his feet and able to talk. ...and kiss... And by the third week, his hair had grown a few inches and thank god, his face healed and was back to its normal, beautiful self, with minor scarring.

I almost wanted to personally thank the plastic surgeon that closed him up so well. Although regardless of how he came out of the surgery, I would be with him no matter what. Aaron wasn't the only one that had an eventful few weeks though.

I had to return to school after my mini hiatus and deal with all of the apologetic looks and condolences from people I didn't even talk to. The same thing happened when my parents passed, but after the first week, I was back to being another face in the crowd. I noticed Caitlyn hopping around a few guys on different sports teams. I had to give her props.

She moved on quite fast and I hoped it all meant that she was completely done with Aaron. And on the bright side, most of my teachers waved off the assignments I had missed.

My friends always had to tiptoe around their words as to not offend me and I quickly let them know that there was no need to. I was still the same girl just with a few scars on my heart. I didn't cry at my grandmother's funeral. Although I really, really wanted to, I didn't have it in me to do it. I had spent so many tears on my parents and brother passing away.

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