Chapter 30

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"Why didn't you tell me that you killed a girl, Aaron?!" I harshly whispered. "I totally understand that you don't like sharing every aspect of your life, but I feel like that's something that you tell your girlfriend! Do I mean nothing to you?" I sighed, remembering that this was a question I had already asked him once before.

His head falls back and I can tell he's bothered by the situation. "You mean everything to me, but it's not that big of a deal. It was an accident and it was dealt with quickly. You didn't need to know."

"Accident or not, this is kind of a huge situation. There's no point of hiding things like this from me Aa-"

"Why? Because you're nosy and you'll always find out? You're my girlfriend, not some private investigator. You need to get over the fact that you can't know everything about me. Gosh, just get over yourself." He walked into class, leaving me alone in the halls. I was breathing heavily and tears stung my eyes. I didn't even bother going to class.

Not after that especially since I sat right next to him.  I stormed towards the exit and thankfully no one was there to stop me from leaving. I was in no mood to stay in school and deal with Aaron. I tried to wipe away the tears falling down my face, but they kept on falling.

I hastily drove home, with tears still streaming down my face. My empty household only echoed the sounds of my sobs as I collapsed onto the couch. He was all I had left. And I could feel him slipping away.

I waited. I waited all day. Not one call or even a text was sent from Aaron. I stared at the blank screen on my phone for hours and there was nothing. I didn't even care for an apology by the time night rolled in. I just wanted some sort of acknowledgement from him. More hours passed and my obsession with staring at my phone was becoming unorthodox. It was much too late to be up doing such a mundane thing. You would think after spending a whole day doing the same thing, you would get tired of it, but I felt nothing at all.

Not hunger, nor sleep. I stayed in the same position on my couch until 2 am. I eventually drifted off into sleep, but it seemed so short lived when my alarm rang after what seemed like only seconds after closing my eyes. I shifted into the sitting position on the couch feeling groggy and sore from the lack of proper support from the couch cushions. A headache seemed to become more prominent as I stood up and dragged myself over to the kitchen.

Everything I was numb to the night before seemed to hit me all at once in one moment. I scarfed down a bowl of cereal and swallowed a couple aspirin pills. Walking into the bathroom, I couldn't help but notice the beast that was staring back at me in the mirror. Messy hair, dark circles, puffy, red eyes, and runny makeup.

I scrubbed the makeup off, applied new makeup, adding more than I usually did under my eyes during the process, and brushed out all the knots and tangles in my hair. I looked in the mirror feeling satisfied with my work. No one would have ever assumed that I had been a complete mess in the morning. When I opened the door to leave, a figure standing at the door nearly gave me a heart attack.

He flashed me a closed smile and all I could manage to do was blink back at him. I closed the door behind me and walked towards my car knowing very well that he would be following behind me. I pressed the unlock button on the remote and the car beeped in response. Was he really not going to say anything? As soon as I placed my hand on the car door handle, he finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry." I kept my back facing him. "I shouldn't have blown up on you yesterday. I'm not very good at this boyfriend stuff. I've only been one once before." I opened the car door, got in, and started the car.

I stared at a confused Aaron through the car window and he merely stared back at me. My expression softened as I nodded towards the passenger seat. "Are you really going to give me the silent treatment all day?" It was fifth period and although I couldn't avoid him all day, I could at least keep my mouth shut.

I ignored his comment as I worked on the lab write up we were assigned at the beginning of class. "How many times do I have to say sorry till I get a word out of you? Will dinner work? Or, uh, a slap in the face?" He stared at me for a moment, before sighing. "Oh, come on, I thought that last one would work for sure." I glanced away from my work and looked at him.

I wiped his pleasant look of shock on his face off with a light slap on his cheek. I let out a chuckle as I got back to work. "Okay, it's been a full day without you talking. I need at least one word out of you before I go home," he pleaded. Somehow I had made it through a whole school day and even some time back at my house without talking to him.

I felt a little immature pulling the silent treatment on him, but I was genuinely upset with him, and I honestly didn't feel like talking to him. I suffered so much the day before, so I figured he had to go through some kind of torture for me to feel satisfied."Drive safe," I say to him, quickly closing the door after.

I could see the complete look of shock on his face in the milliseconds it took to close the door. I shook my head and let out a chuckle knowing he was still there. I turned the dead bolt with a loud click, signaling that I wasn't planning on opening the door again. I waited to hear Aaron's footsteps leaving before I went to bed. It took him ten minutes, but he finally left.

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