Chapter 10

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I walked into Chemistry expecting to work alone on the lab, but much to my surprise, Aaron was sitting in our lab station setting everything up. "I thought you didn't come to school today," I said as I sat next to him. "I didn't," he said. "But you didn't think I'd let you work on this by yourself, did you?" The smile on his face was enough to make me weak at the knees.

"It's really not that hard of lab... I could have worked on it by myself," I mumbled. "Why didn't you come anyway?" For a split second I could have sworn I saw panic in his eyes, but it quickly went away. "I had a doctor's appointment. That's all," he said simply.

He looked like he was telling the truth, but the way he quickly dismissed the subject seemed skeptical. Before I could ask about it, he spoke again. "I need to tell you something," he blurted out suddenly. "Uh, what is it?" I asked, taken aback. He brought his face awfully close to my own and I felt all of the saliva evaporate from my mouth. "Don't fall in love with me."  he said.

"Who said I was falling for you?" I said, swallowing hard. "No one," he said pulling away. "Just wanted to give you a fair warning."

"what's wrong with you?" Thomas asked as I stormed through them after school. They quickly followed behind and I heard Liam say, "Do you really even have to ask?" After I crossed the street, I slowed down my pace and allowed the others to catch up.

"What happened? I thought Aaron didn't come to school today," Chris said. I was a little upset that the automatically assumed that my emotional tirades always had Aaron to blame
(Even though they usually did). It wasn't like my whole life revolved around him. Okay, so maybe for the past few days it did...

"He showed up in Chemistry because he didn't want to let me work on it alone," I grumbled. "Uh, what's wrong with that?" Chris asked.

"He told me not to for him and then he goes and shuns me for the rest of the day," I complained. Okay fine. You can indirectly tell me that you don't like me, but don't go ignoring me like I'm some annoying pest. I am a person with actual feelings.

"Wait, why did he tell you not to fall in love with him?" Chris inquired.

"I don't know. Is it obvious that I'm in love with him?" I said without proper thinking.

"You're in love with him?!" Jason asked.

"I- No, that- Uh- That came out wrong," I stuttered out. I instantly brought my hands to my face and began rubbing my temples. There was no way I was going to get out of this one.

"Hey, you've finally accepted your feelings towards him," Lucas said with an encouraging shoulder touch. I shoved his hand off of my shoulder. "I don't love him," I sneered.

"I meant to ask if I came off as, uh, loving him?"

"I believe the terminology you used was 'in love'," Liam brought up. "There's a huge difference between loving and being in love." I rolled my eyes.

"It doesn't even matter. He obviously doesn't want anything more than friendship, so I'm just going to close off all these stupid feelings and forget about it." I quickly walked ahead of them and headed straight home, feeling their worried stares pierce into my back. I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep as soon as I hit the soft surface.

I had set an alarm at 7 knowing that I could easily sleep through the evening and end up having a sleepless night. The sound of BTS latest hit, IDOL blasted through my phone's speakers as I struggled opening my eyes and almost blindly turned off the alarm on my phone. The brightness of my phone had caused me to start seeing spots. I watched as my phone went black and waited for my eyes to adjust and for the grogginess to go away. As the drowsiness slowly faded away, I looked through my phone, stalling the process of getting out of bed. I accidentally opened up my pictures folder instead of Twitter and I was faced with the picture I had taken earlier in the day. As I was about to delete the photo, Aaron's address glowered at me and I couldn't believe I was actually contemplating going to his house. I tried to shake the thought away, but the thought of Aaron quickly flooded my mind and I quickly became irritated. Why did he lead me on if he didn't want a relationship?

I felt aggravated and I wanted to tell him off. I wanted to slap him in the face and question his stupid actions. I hated to admit it, but I just wanted to see him. And the only way I could do that was if I went to the city. I found directions to his house on my phone and tossed it onto my bed as I rummaged through my closet. I wanted to make sure to make him see what he's missing. I settled on a sexy, casual black dress and threw on a black jacket since the sun was setting.

I threw on a pair of Vans and grabbed my purse and phone and headed out of my room."Where are you going?" . I'd acted so rashly that I didn't even realize that I'd have to get past my grandmother.

"I'm just going over to Jason. Chris is having girl problems and it would probably be best if they got help from a girl." I easily lied. I felt guilty lying to my grandma, but my feelings toward Aaron's at the moment were so much stronger than the guilt.

"Oh, alright," was all she said. The guilt continued to eat away at me. Sometimes I believed that my grandmother trusted me too much. I walked out the door and looked to back and forth to both houses checking if the guys were outside. When I noticed the coast was clear, I quickly jogged to the bus stop. When I got on the bus, there were a few people on it that I didn't recognize. They were probably from the town a few miles before ours. As we got closer to the city, a few people got on the bus at each stop and I immediately regretted my outfit decision. I crossed my legs tighter and kept my gaze low as I felt the stare of ed older men on me. Luckily they didn't try to hit on me and I was able to make it to the city intact.

My eyes lit up in awe as I stepped out of the bus. It was around 8 o'clock and the sun had already set. The buildings in the city glimmered in the night sky. I had been to the city before, but never at night time. The beauty was a lot to take in. Someone shoved past me, taking me out of my gaze and I quickly remembered what I was there for.

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