Chapter 8

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"How was your date yesterday?" Liam asked as I met them on the sidewalk. "Stupid," I muttered, walking right past them."What? Why?" Lucas asked, catching up with me."I don't know. Aaron's bipolar. I don't want to deal with it." I coldly said, picking up my pace again. I walked ahead of them for the rest of the way and thankfully they didn't try to catch up and talk to me. It wasn't fair of me to be mad at them when they didn't even do anything, but I wasn't in any mood to talk to anyone. I spent the whole night thinking about what Austin said.

I wanted to know who Aaron was, but I didn't want to have to deal with the repercussions. It's only been two days with him and I was already more attached than I should have been. But it was mostly his fault for attracting me to him in the first place. There were only two ways I could take things. I could either just continue on with whatever Aaron had planned and get my heart broken or completely forget about him entirely and move on with an unscathed heart. The latter was tempting, but scenarios were already made and I was in too deep to just turn around and forget it all. He was so intriguing to me. He seemed to be so straightforward and open, yet he was so mysterious and enigmatic at the same time. It was a personality that belonged to someone who was quiet and reserved, not someone who was popular and outgoing.

"Are you alright?" Olivia asked as I sat down in homeroom. Out of all the girls in the school, she was the one I was closest to. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that were best friends. It just meant that I really didn't talk to any other girls at school. If anything, she was just an acquaintance to me. She was like all the other girls in the school. She strived to be in the entertainment industry. She wanted to sing. She could sing. Out of everyone in the school, she was probably going to be the only one that would actually make it in that field.

"Didn't get much sleep is all," I mumbled. "Too much on your mind?" she asked, turning in her seat to face me. I nodded my head, hoping she would notice that I didn't want to talk about it. She didn't. "Do you want to talk about it?" I was about to decline her offer, but the next thing she said stopped me.

"I heard your friends talking in class yesterday about you and Aaron. It wouldn't happen to be about that, would it?" Curiosity sparkled in her eyes as she awaited my answer. I wanted to tell her no and dismiss the subject entirely, but the fact that she was a girl that probably had more knowledge about my situation than the guys ever would, panged my interest.

"Um, yeah," I quietly replied, feeling awkward about the subject. When I talked to her, it was always just about school or what we did over the holidays, never anything too serious. Her face seemed to light up to my response. "I tried dating him before," she said, propping her head onto her hand and looking up in reminiscence.
"I really thought he liked me, but apparently it's just in his character to be overly nice to people." Overly nice? I don't think that holding my hand and taking me out on a date is considered overly nice. "He would always touch my shoulders or hold my hand when we walked somewhere so I thought those were all signs of his interest in me. But when I confessed to him, he totally shut me down and told me that we were just friends."

"How close were you to him?" I asked."Hm," she said pondering over the question for a bit. "I guess not that close. But basically as close as all his other friends are to him. You know, even though they've been his friend for years, they still don't know much about him at all. Aaron has gone to all of their houses and met their families, but none of them have been to his house or let alone met his family." So no one has ever been to his house? The bell rang, signaling us to go to our next classes. Olivia stood up and smiled at me. "We can continue tomorrow," she said before strutting out the door.

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