Chapter 34

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"Does it hurt?" I asked him. He was fully connected to machines now. His skin was pale—paler than his normally white complexion, his breaths were short and far apart, and his heart beat was slow and unsteady. I was losing him. He slowly brought his hand up to pull his oxygen mask off of his face.

"More than you can imagine," he said through hooded eyelids. Aaron was strong.

Even if I knew he was in pain, he would tell me otherwise because he didn't like the thought of looking weak; even in front of me. But now that he was reaching the final stretch, the pain must have been unbearable to the point where he didn't even care if he looked weak.

I couldn't even fathom what kind of pain it took for Aaron to finally admit that he was hurting. He signed the 'Do Not Resuscitate' forms that day. Over the next few days, Aaron slowly lost feeling in his body. It started from his legs. I placed my hand on his thigh one day and he wouldn't stop staring at it. I asked him what was wrong and all he could say was that he couldn't feel me touching him. I have never held a person's hand so hard before.

"I-I can't-" "You can't what Aaron?" I asked, noticing tears streaming out of his eyes which automatically caused the same to happen to mine."I can't feel your hand," he said in a low voice before breaking into sobs.

I stared down to our hands and his hand was limp in mine. I squeezed it tight. "I can't feel anything." I desperately cupped his damp cheeks in my hands. "Can you feel that?" I asked through shaky breaths.

His sobbing subsided and he gently nodded in my hands. A sigh left my lips after I placed a gentle peck on his lips. I wiped his tears away with the back of my palm and his eyes never pried away from my own.

"How can you still look at me like you don't pity me?" he asked with questioning eyes.

"I'm paralyzed from the neck down and you still look at me like I'm the same gorgeous city boy." I chuckled at his choice of words. "Because I love you." I kept my hand on his face and stroked his cheek with my thumb, trying to cherish the last bit of feeling he had left."I love you, too," he said, nuzzling his cheek into my hand.

"Will you still love me when I'm gone?" I nodded at him.

"Will you promise to still look for love after I'm gone?" Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I still nodded to keep him happy.

I didn't know if I would be capable of doing such a thing, but I'd have to figure that one out on my own. "You'll never find someone as good as me, but you can try." I rolled my eyes as the tears spilled out. Simulant to mine, his eyes rolled, but his went into the back of his head and the machines he was plugged into beeped rapidly.

I let go of his face and stood up in horror. Doctors and nurses sprinted into the room only to realize that he couldn't be saved.

The DNR forms were signed and these seconds were his last. His father made it into the room and pushed through the doctors. He kneeled on the other side of the bed and grabbed Aaron's hand and gestured for me to do the same. I took a deep breath and grabbed his limp hand in my own. The machines beeped for maybe a minute more. His father was whispering 'I'm sorry's and 'I love you's and a 'Say hi to your sister and mother for me' while I just whimpered silently until the machines stopped beeping and only one steady tone was heard.

A sob escaped his father's mouth and even a few nurses in the room. Aaron was gone. Aaron's father and I were sitting outside the hospital. The cherry blossoms had been in full bloom and they were finally shedding their flowers. It was such a beautiful day for such a tragic event to happen. I looked up to the sky while some beautiful white birds where flying by. "I can't believe I've lost everyone. I'm not even fifty yet." I looked back down."I'm only eighteen," I dryly stated. He let out a laugh although the topic is sadly morbid.

"You're a tough girl. I hope you know that. And I hope you would never contemplate taking your own life because you're way too tough to do such a thing.""As easy as it sounds to just end my journey here, I think I deserve to have something good happen in my life." It was almost as if fate was watching our conversation. An attractive woman's heel broke as she was walking and she fell directly in front of where we were sitting.

His father, being the doctor he was, ran over and helped her up. It was like I was watching a movie. Their eyes locked and everything and they were too star struck to even speak a word. I rolled my eyes and soon noticed that her son was with her."Ugh, Mom, get up," he said pulling her up with the help of Aaron's father.

The woman blushed as she looked down at Dr. Da Silva's hand on her arm. I sighed as he escorted her into the hospital as if she actually needed any medical attention.

"Is that your dad?" the son asked. "You could say that," I said slowly. In that moment, I realized that her son happened to be more attractive than I first thought. My eyes locked with his longer than they should have. I cleared my throat."W-we should follow them," he said in a flustered manner.

"Uh, yeah..." As we walked into the building, he yelled, "Wait!" My eyes rounded as I turned to look at him."What?" "Don't fall-"

"Don't what?" I said through clenched teeth. He narrowed his eyes. "Don't fall. The floor is wet," he said pointing at the yellow caution sign propped up on the floor.

"Oh, right..." I said with a chuckle, remembering those stupid words Aaron had told me once before. Somewhere in the universe, Aaron was smiling.



I hope you enjoyed the fic even if Aaron didn't survive, sigh. But sometimes fics can't always be perfect and happily ever after ya know? But I like to think Aaron had his own happy ending. Oh yeah the guy at the end is whomever you want it to !! ❤❤

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