Chapter 24

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"Can I ask you something?" He asked. I nodded. "I would love if you modeled these for me." He raises the hangers in his hands, motioning to the lingerie, and I let out an unamused laugh. "Not happening!" Pouting, he puts down the lingerie on the bed and walks closer towards me.

"But why not?"

"Becaus uhh.." I look around the room as he stands in front of me and I gulp when his zipper is right in front of my face. "Can you back away a little, pleas?" I asked. "I'm good right here. Why don't you stand up instead?" He replies and I sigh in defeat. Placing my palm on the floor, I start to push my body off the floot but stop when he places his hands under my armpits and lift me up himself. The thing is, he didn't pick me up gracefully.

Oh no, far from being graceful. I am very ticklish and putting his hands under my armpits trigged my ticklish side and I squirmed and fell back down on the floor with a thump. "Oh, are you okay?" He asks me and I can clearly notice him trying to hide his laughter. "I'm fine." I huff as I get off the floor myself. I pat my ass clean and when I look up, I swallow hard when his lips are right in front of my eyes.

"Can you back away pleas?" I ask nicely again and smile. "No" He smirk. "I don't want to." "Okay." I shrug and quickly turn as I walk away but stop when he wraps his hand around my wrist. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked. "The bathroom." I reply, turning around to face him again. "Why?" He asks. "I need to shower." I reply and raise an eyebrown when he quickly perks up and grins widely. "May I join?"

"No." I make an stern reponse before pecking his cheeks and walking into the bathroom. "You're no fun!" He hollers and I smile. "Thanks." Opening the glass door from the shower a bit, I reach out for a towel and furrow my eyebrows when I don't feel the fluffy cloth. I peek out the shower and groan when all of my clothes and towel are missing. I turn to look at the door and breathe out a harsh breath as it slightly open, making it clear that someone has been in there. "Aaron!" I call out to him and narrow my eyes at him when the door opens wider and he comes into view with a wide grin. "Oh you bastard."

"What?" He asks innocently and I rolled my eyes. "You know what, give me back the towel." I demanded him and he raises one of his eyebrows. "I didn't take it. What makes you think I took it?" "Don't play that game with me, I know you took it, now give it back." With a sigh, he goes back out the bathroom and I smile as I know he will bring one to me now. "Pleas hurry!" I shouted. "It's cold! I might get sick!"

"I'm not giving them to you!" He shouted back and my jaw drops at his next words. "Come get it yourself."

"You little shit!" I screech as I get out of the shower and storm out of the bathroom ignoring his stare and go inside his closed. "You are so going to pay for this!" I hear him chuckle. "Oh yeah? How much? I have twenty dollars on me right now. By the way, you have a beautiful body." "You're just not going to change now are you?" I asked as I looked around his closet in search for a t-shirt. "I'm changing my pervert ways but my personality is staying the same, Honey." He states.

"Seems fair."

"Yeah." I putted The lingerie he gave me on and just decited to improvise and use one of his oversized t-shirt to get myself dry and wrapped it around my hair as I would with a towel. When I am slipping on my socks, I hear the bathroom door close and I look out to check if he was there, which he wasn't. Before having to time to change my mind, I got out of the closet and walked towards the window to make sure it is completely closed.

Just as I am about to turn around, I hear his voice and freeze completely in place. "Woah...Now this is a very nice suprise." He said as I fully turn around to face him. He walks closer to me and I feel my heart beat quicken with every step he takes. Once he stands infront of me, he places his hands on my waist and I gast as his hands are cold. He quickly removed his hands as he noticed me flinch and looked down at me with furrowed eyebrown.

*Warning mature content*
"I'm not going to hurt you." He tells me in a soft voice and I just shake my head. "Your hands are cold." I informed him and he putted his hands to his face, checking them up a bit. As he does so, we stared into each other's eyes and we both smiled. Without any warning, he leaned down to me and brought his lips to mine. The kiss gets a bit heated and hoisted me up by cupping my butt. He walked over his bed and layed me down on it, never breaking the kiss.

After what felt like centuries, we both finally pulled away to catch some breath and a so soft moan escaped my lips when he started kissing my neck. The body kisses continued until we were both fully naked under the covers and we stared into each other's eyes, my heartbeat quickening. "Are you sure about this? We can stop if you'de like." He spoke to me in a very soft understanding voice. "I want this." I whispered to him as I rubbed my thumb agains his bottom lip. I looked at him with a sad look when he pulled away and pecks my lips before reaching over to his drawer, taking a squared packet.

I bitted my lip as he slided it on and once it's on he position his hand under my chin to make me look at him. "Tell me if I'm hurting you. Are you ready?" He asked. And I bit my lip as I nodded my head. He waits until my sign of acceptance and positions himself at my entrance. I take a deep breath as he pushed himself in me. "Aw you're tight." He groans as he pushed more and more in me until he's all the way inside me.

He slowly pulls out and slides back in then he speeds up a bit we both gasp, moan and groan. "You're so beautiful." He whispered as he rested his head on my shoulders. His arms come around my waist and I pressed my lips against his as he caresses my back. I fluttered my eyes open as he gaves my lips one last kiss before he rolled off me and layed beside my shaking body.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He asked me with furrowed eyebrowns and brushed my hair away from my face before examining my face. "I'm fine." I replied with a soft smile. "It's just well.. I'm exhausted."

"Come here." He opened his arms and I did as he told. His hand reached up to my face as he stroked my cheek with his thumb. "I always thought I could just leave the world because I had nothing to live for anymore." I placed my own hand on his and held it to my face. "But that all changed when I met you." He looked down to his lap before speaking again.

"I'm scared." He pulled the hand that I was holding out of my grasp and placed them messily on his chest. "I didn't think I would be, but I am. I mean, the surgery will have bad outcomes either way. I could die or I could wake up in unbearable pain. And I don't think that I want either." "But I don't think you want to die," I said rejoining my hands with his.

"No," he started, looking up at me. "I don't think I do, now go to sleep." He whispered into my ear and I snuggled closer against him, getting comfortable. I sighted deeply as I rested my head on his chest and smiled when he started to play with my hair, making me even more tired. I finally closed my eyes after a while of listening to his heart beat and felt his fingers comb through my hair. "Goodnight, Eleanor." "Goodnight, Aaron." I managed to say before I fell into slumber.

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