Chapter 31

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I sighed, wondering how our next real conversation would go. Sure he apologized and told me his side of the story, but he didn't hear mine. I forgave him for blowing up on me, but I couldn't bring myself to forgive him for lying. I knew it was just part of his personality to hide things, but I thought I had finally reached a point with him where he felt that he didn't have to do that anymore.

I asked Olivia for advice the next morning during homeroom.

"Either you break up with him or you wait until he changes which will most likely be quite a while," was all she had to say. It's extremely hard to just change your personality overnight, so of course I had to be patient. But what if the change never came? What if I waited and waited for something that would never actually happen? I hated not knowing.

It was obvious I couldn't break up with him, so I really had no choice but to forgive him and be patient with the boy. He would come around some day. Hopefully. The bell rang, signaling the end of homeroom, and on my way to class, all I could hear was frantic screaming and panic.

A crowd formed near Aaron's homeroom and I could hear voices saying his name. My pulse increased rapidly and a huge rush of adrenaline swept through my veins. I pushed and elbowed my way to the crowd to see Aaron on the floor, eyes shut, and limbs limp. I could only watch and stare as Kris and Kaï attempted to wake him up. It wouldn't do any good though. I knew exactly what it was.

He was having a seizure. His body started to violently jerk and I knew right away that my suspicions were correct. The school nurse appeared and she said aloud, "He's having a seizure." I absent mindedly reached for my phone in my bag and called his father."Hello?"

"Your son is having a seizure."

Thankfully his father didn't have a surgery at the time, so he could come out and check on his son. In the mean time, the paramedics came and rushed Aaron onto a stretcher and into an ambulance. I took the liberty of skipping school (again) and going to the hospital. Of course all of his friends wanted to come as well, so they all piled into my car.

I hated how well I knew the layout of the hospital. I saw my entire family enter this hospital and end up in a casket. There was no way he would end up the same. Not here."You seem calmer then you should be," Austin stated as we took a seat in the waiting room. "I'm calm because he's going to be okay," I said firmly. I thought that maybe if I said it out loud it would help me actually believe those words. It didn't. "It's okay to be worried, you know," Chris added. "We know you've been through a hell of a lot more than any person should, but that doesn't mean that you can't have feelings."

"I have feelings. I've just trained them to stay under the surface," I replied. All five of them sent me concerned looks, but I stared down to the hands in my lap, knowing their stares would eventually wear off."What if he doesn't make it?" Liam asked nervously, his fingers tapping rapidly on the arm rest. What if he doesn't make it? He's not allowed to not make it. There was no way I could possibly go on without him. Sure, I've had quite a morbid past and I've managed to get past it all somehow, but if he ever dared to leave me this early, I would lose it.

Maybe I'm just an overly obsessed girl not willing to lose her first and very serious relationship. Or maybe it's because we've been through more than people who have been together for years in just a few months. Or maybe it's because for the first time in a long time I feel as though things are finally going right. Or maybe it's because I feel guilty for giving him the silent treatment the day before. Or maybe it's a little of everything.

So, no! Aaron not making it was not an option because there would be no way in hell that I would be able to make it. "Don't say that you son of a biscuit. He's going to be fine," Olivia assured. "He has to be fine. He survived cancer and he's going to survive this. It was just a little seizure..." Her voice trailed off at the end, and his assuring voice wearied off into doubt. The sound of expensive, designer shoes bounced off the empty hospital walls and I knew Aaron's father was approaching.

Everything would be okay because his father was here. He was the best in the country. Aaron had to be okay. He strode right past us, clearly worried about his son. "Are you Aaron's father?" the receptionist asked."Yes, please let me see him," he replied, pulling out his wallet to show proof. The receptionist nodded her head and sent him down the hallway. I pushed myself forward to the edge of my seat, holding my arms tightly on the chair. I wish I could follow him down the hallway, but I had no right to.

A whole hour passed. We all sat in the silent waiting room waiting waiting for something to happen. Anything. Aaron's father strode out of the hallway and I stood to my feet."Is he okay?" I asked louder than I thought."I'm having him sent to my hospital. They don't have the proper machinery here. He'll be much better cared for there," he said, walking out the door."He didn't answer my question..." I whisper silently. A hand lands on my shoulder. I didn't look behind me, but I noticed Austin's feet behind mine when I look down in anguish. I straighten up and take a deep breath.

"Come on guys. Let's go to the other hospital." I hated the small town I lived in. Our hospital couldn't accommodate to Aaron? Was that why my entire family had slipped through my fingers? My stupid small town where everyone knew each other where rumors spread faster than plagues where people only knew me because I was the dead parent's child. I couldn't wait to leave. I tried to drive as calmly as I could on the freeway. There was no way I would let myself get in a car accident. Not after everything that's happened. When the tall buildings of the city came in view, I felt my heart race. Of course Aaron would be okay. He was in the city. Nothing could possibly go wrong in the city.

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