Summer's Wynter

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Summers POV

I get home and im worn the fuck out. I dont even get a chance to say im home to mommy cause im already in my room with my face in the pillows.

I really cannot wait for this party cause I havent been to one since we moved

After looking through my phone I see Maesons number and I smile. Maeson is some serious bestfriend material and im starting to think of him as a lil brother...just white

Summer_time (this is how Maeson labeled her in his contacts) - Im boredd, entertain me?

Masey! you get bored fast, thought u were all 'bout action?

I got to see Maesons funny side at lunch so he cant hide his cool from me.

Summer_ time- I am trust me, but todai ugh so much and so tel-l me wats it like to be emo? :p I texted jokingly

Masey!¡!- Har har its not tht bad actually u should tri it. wats it like being black?

I loved how he could go along with a joke

Summer timez- FUN AS HELLL lol, u should try it

Masey!¡!- If only I could lol Ur funni summ, i like that. Dont let Tyson get in ur pants b4 i do ;)

Summer timez- Is every guy at dat table a pervert? lol g2g im sleepy af goodnight :)

I put the phone down. Maeson is sooo my new bff I thought of how fun school would be tomorrow and i got clouded with sleep.

Maeson's POV

I put my phone on the side table with a smile.

Summer is so cool. I love how easy going she can be. I even opened up at lunch which suprised everyone. As soon as Wynter asked her to his table I was sure she would say yes.

But the girl had some sense. We are now in our early bff stage. She even had us invited to a party. Nobody has ever did that for me.. I mean us.

Plus summer is really pretty and attractive, i could see why she had so much attention and her nose ring was cute too. A mini daimond stud.

Thinking about her makes my chest feel weird like earlier when Tyson put her on his lap and my chest started to hurt or when that bastard Wynter kinda asked her out.

I like summer only as a friend and bff....right?

Summers POV

A few days later...

I woke up less stressed than usual. Thank the lawd I would not give them be givin them white kids something to say to me.

I slide out of bed and then "Summer!!! get up and hurry downstairs!!" and I tripped over my pillow "ahh shit!!" thudd!

"Mama! stop callin me at random times!" I say grasping my ankle and shouting through the door.

I shower fast, brush my teeth and put my long curls into a high ponytail. Ofcourse I aint forget my nose ring but like I said before daddy and mama dont like it when I wear it at home.

I put on some faded blue skinnies and my hightop blue and purple jordans with my white belly shirt and my oversized white knit hollister swearter. I love lookin freash to death.

After my usual make up routine I run downstairs to see someone I'd never thought id see in my kitchen....Wynter.

"Uh oh hey Wynter, what are you doin' here?" I ask still confused?

"I thought that I might drive you to school, if thats all right with you and doctor Wilde?" he said smiling that perfect smile accompanied by a wink and I couldnt help but smile back.

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