We Are Only Human

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Wynters POV

She hasn't come home yet and I'm really worried. What if she's gotten lost? Nope not possible because she knows her way home and comes back safely every time. I'm fucking pacing up and down my freaking house and that's when I remember Summer.

Duh! She can help you find her!

I grab my sweater and opened the door only to see Summer, who looked like she was crying because her eyes were red and swollen. I instantly felt enraged but then I look down and see Sam, my little sister. She looks tattered and dirty but still has the brightest smile on.

"Um, this is your sister Wynter?" I say nothing and scoop them both up in my arms and bring them inside. I don't even care that mom is here and can walk in at any minute. I can feel myself growing more infuriated by the millisecond.

I'm going to have to start walking Sam to and from school and talk to her stubborn ass teacher about those damned kids. She has come home like this with her clothes ripped all week and in getting pissed. How could they do that to my princess? Sam is the sweetest little girl ever and I bet she didn't do a thing to those kids  they just pick on her because they think she's a weak link, but Sam could defend herself if she wanted. She just didn't like causing trouble, Argh I need to punch something- anything to get my mind off of them bullying my flesh and blood. If only those kids were older, I'd send each and everyone of them to hell for even laying a finger on my Sammy.

And don't even get me started on Summer. I can literally feel my blood get cold, I'm seriously gonna murder the fucking asshole who dared make my woman shed fucking tears, and when I'm done with them they are going to wish they were never born.

I put them both sitting on the couch, dad is on a business trip so he'll be gone for a few weeks. I try to subdue my anger because one, someone made my lovely girlfriend cry and two, those rotten kids were bullying my baby sister.

"What happened Summer?" I ask as gently as possible because I don't want to yell, she has already cried enough. Summer rubs her arm and shakes her head. "Nothing, I just got in a little fight with Maeson. I ran away and found Sam getting bullied, you should be worrying about her now because I'm fine" She says and my mood darkens. Maeson? I'll kill him and then stomp on his corpes. I think but then Summer gestures her head to a smiley Sam and I nod kissing her cheek and turning my head to Sam and I use sign language to ask her what happened from her perspective.

She quickly moved her tiny fingers cutely with a small smile and me and Summer laugh. Sam told me that some mean kids were messing with her because she couldn't hear well, then they threw her hearing aid. She got a little sad and gripped Summers hand which she smiled and kissed, that made me grin at how caring my love was.

She continued by saying an angel came, saved her and even called her princess. I laughed when she started talking about how good starburst are. Summer looked at me weird cause she didn't get a word Sam was saying and I wink at her which causes her to blush

"What's going on here?" My mom walked in and I froze. She looked taken aback by Summers presence but then saw Sam and almost cried. "What happened to Samantha!?" she shrieked pitting her hands on her hips and I sigh "Nothing mom, Summer just saved Sam because the kids were bullying her again" My mom gasp and goes to hug Sam and showers her with kisses and Sam wipes them off as mom plants them.

"Oh my baby! are you OK is your hearing aid OK? Thank you Summer, do you know my son?" Mom asks and I smirk as Summer smiles I grab hold of her by her tiny wrist and pull her in for a kiss. "Yes I have known Wynter for a while Ms. Blake, he's my boyfriend" she bites her lip and as I do waiting for moms reaction.

Sam is wide eyed after I kiss Summer and that when she signs to mom and asks if me an' summer are going to get married and I choke on my spit as mom gasps. "What? what did she say?" Summer asks Quickly trying to be in the loop and I shake my head "Its nothing dear, welcome to the family" mom winks saying that slyly with underlying meaning with her words and I groan while Summer giggles Can she not act like that!?

Marrying Summer would probably be the greatest thing in the world but it would be led with many complications and I don't want to put Sumner through all of that just because I love her, that would be selfish.

"But what are you going to do about him, you know how he is Wynter"  Mom said this worriedly and I grab a hold of Summer tightly "Mom, don't worry, I will try to ease it on him as much as possible and he will be back in two weeks. When that time comes, we will have a family dinner and talk about it". Mom nods her head.

"Who's he"Summer asks and I shake my head disapprovingly. "My father"

"Well I think I should get going, are you alright Sam?" Summer asks and Sam gives her a thumbs up that makes us all laugh. "Do you live..close Summer?" Mom asks carefully trying to ask if Summer lives on the black side of town and I give her the face, but Summer only smiles.

"Yes, I just moved into the house down the block, at the end of this street actually" she says calmly and Mom smiles warmly, guess Summer is in her favor more now that she knows she not against every white person in town like the other blacks in town. Mom had always tried to be friendly with all the women in town, including the women of color but, they just act like she's an outsider which makes her feel terrible.

"I'll walk you back darling" I say taking her hand and mom takes Sam into the kitchen to get her cleaned up. "Nice to meet you Summer, please do visit again" mom smiles small and then heads to the kitchen with Sam. But Sam runs to Summer and wraps her little arms around her waist and opens her mouth.

"Tank woo Summwer(Thank you Summer)" She says with her almost never used voice and then runs into the kitchen. I look back at Summer and her eyes glisten with happiness. "Cutest kid ever" she says with laughter and I nod my head proudly at the compliment.

"I know"

After dropping back Summer, I asked her what she and Maeson fought about and she just said that they weren't exactly seeing eye to eye and it was just a thing that will hopefully pass over. Jesus be with that boy because she's lucky Summer still considers him a friend.

I wanted to sink my fist in his face, how dare he? Is he suicidal? he must be because making someone I care about is just as stupid as trading your soul with the devil. Watch out Maeson, because your now playing with fire.

Summer's Wynter (Interacial Teen Romance)Where stories live. Discover now