Do you love me enough?

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Wynters POV

"I can not believe they accepted someone like that into the school, they could have at least said there was no room and sent her to Jefferson" My dad huffs in the car and I roll my eyes, the way he's talking about my girlfriend is disgusting and I just want to punch him in the face for it, but I know that I would be putting Summer in danger if I defended her as my lover.

"Dad, leave her alone. She my friend and a really good person, she has done nothing to you in any shape or form and all you can do is disrespect her because of what? Because she black?" Dad stares at me as we pull into our drive way. "Why do you care so much about that girl? She already has an idiot liking her right? That boys a fool and I'll be damed if your one too."

That's it. I get out the car and slam the door and stomp up the driveway, mom is at the front with a worried face but I say nothing and march upstairs to my bedroom. If Maeson even thinks for a moment that he has won Summer he's got another thing coming, if I found out he laid a tiny intimate finger on her skin. I won't be as forgiving as Summer.

Wynter's Mom's POV

"What happened with Wynter?" I ask as my husband as he sighs but I have a slight feelin' "There's this girl who Wynter keeps defending but I don't know why? I mean she's bl-"

"Kaleb!" I shout at him, I knew he was talking about Summer. But I has a feeling that's not all that happened. "Tell me what exactly happened and all that happened before I go talk to my boy" I say firmly. As a woman who believes In justice, I need to be able to classify right from wrong. Kaleb sighs and plops down on the couch undoing his tie.

"I go to the school and see him hand in hand with her. I prayed that person wasn't his lover and the lord answrwd them" Ok now I'm confused, Summer wasn't Wynters lover? I thought they were happy in love but I let him continue. "I told him to introduce me just as apart of my Southern hospitality but then her 'boyfriend comes'" Oh lord what has my son done, boyfriends? what the hell exactly is..

Im pretty sure I'm just there gaping like a fish and he nods. "A mere fool that boy is, its just unheard of

'round here" Ahh I see where he's going with this. "Kaleb hun, do you love me?" I asked seriously and he looked at me like I was insane and I smirked. "Debra Annabel Blake, of course I love you with all of my heart, dammit I'd take a bullet for you woman" He chuckles and I smiled passionately, I knew I chose him for a reason but his head sometimes finds to be in the wrong place.

"Would you still love me if I was different?" That's when he squints his eyes questioning my words. "What do you mean different?" Does he not know that love is love and it don't discriminate like how he's doing my future daughter in-law? And don't say I'm being pushing cause I know my son and Summer are gonna make it in the long run. I see how he stares off into space thinking bout her and how he talks about her animatedly.

I even got the chance to see the love she had in her eyes for him. That child's a keeper. "I mean would you love me even if I was black? would you love me if I was yellow, biegde, purple or green? Would you love me for me, or for how I look? Think about that" My dumb husband stared at me wide eyed as I didn't give him the chance to answer before I went up stairs.

No sex for a month.

Maeson's POV

There's was no way in hell I wasn't about to karate chop Wynters dad in the face, I guess asshole runs in the family. So here I am, at the girl I loves house while she's crying her eyes out over her boyfriend who I loathe to the core but I guess there's some stupid saying about if you love someone enough, you have to let them go.

Like hell I am.

Tyson will probably be pissed that I did what I did but what else was I suppose to do? I overhead what was happening and I felt the extream tension so I saved the day but I gaurentee, there will be no gold medals for this super hero. "Thank you for helping Maeson, I really appreciate it" Summer said as she wipes the last tear and I gave a false grin. "Anytime babe, so what happens now? Are you going to text him?" And she groans "I already did six times in the last hour, maybe he doesn't want to be my boyfriend anymore..maybe he listened to his-"

"Summer, I love you"

I said accidentally and I panicked so quickly as her eyes widened and she blushed" "B..but shut up, Wynter is clearly head over heels in love with you and he wouldn't stop because his daddy said so. Stop worrying, he knows what he's doing ok?" Tyson needs to actually give me an award the best cover up ever, I dance and internally fist pumbed with a self accomplishment high five. Summer wrapped her smooth cool arms around me, oh my god she smells like vanilla and raspberries. "Thank you Masey, your the best now, Finding Nemo or Tangled" she smiled beautifully.

I genuinely laughed atbger bounce back, she was great at those and I opted for Tangled, she once told me that was one of her favorite Disney princess movies. Also I know that she would have choose Tangled even if I picked Finding Nemo, her words were absolute. After tears laughs and popcorn fights, I decided to go home. It was late and Summer was really tired, I didn't want to distract her from getting sleep she need so I left on my own.

My mom was out, of course and I wonder what exactly Tyson was doing. Probably stalking he who shall not be named, haha he'd probably ring my neck if he heard me say that but It'd be worth it just to see his angry face. I love my brother and I smiled as I made my way up the steps to our room.

As I was about to open the door I hear moans-deep moans and whispers. "What if somebody comes in here?" the familiar voice says and I can make out the face and I can picture Tyson rolling his eyes because he hates obvious question about things he was certain off, well apparently not too certain in this case.

"Don't worry, my mom and dad work late and that idiot Maeson is with Summer" Oh hold the hell up did he just call ME an idiot? The bastard didn't even hear me come through the door and I'm stupid? He had just be lucky it wasn't mom or dad. The voice chuckled "Ok" and I resumed to hear the moans and silent laughter. Ok, time to be an asshole.

I opened the door with a huge grin on my face and the two looked like deers caught in head lights, they obviously had the craziest make out sesh ever because Colter's lips were bruised and Tyson was all sweaty, well, well. After Tyson saw it was me he went back to an unfazed look but the other set looked frightened. "Oh my god Colter" I mean did I know who my twin was crushing on, I just didn't think he had enough balls to go and get him.

"Ohhh hey Maeson" he said nervously and I put my hand up. "No biggie bro, I knew widdle Twyson had a cwush on you!" I said like a baby trying to stifle my laughter but failing miserably and Tyson was fuming while Colter blushed bright red. "Maeson get the fuck out before I murder you in the wood and burn your ashes" he said and I pouted, violent much? "No freaking way! this is my room! Go have sex in the basement or something. I don't want cum on my bed, I'll tell you when the rents comeback though so mooove out" I say guiding my hands to the door but Tyson just stood up and pushed me out the door.

Dam him and his jocky build. "Remember to tell me when mom and dad get here!" he yells through the door and I hear Colter laugh.


And there you have it! #Colson mega shipping action. Wynters mom is really cool :)

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