Party Hard

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"So you guys are like..pretending to go out?" Amanda asks

"Only in front of Wynters dad or whatever. It'll be complicated but I think its for the best."I say holding on to my baby Wynters arm and giving it a soft squeeze and he kisses my forehead gently. We were all sitting at our usual lunch table when Wynter brought up the news and Maeson's been silent ever since.

"Wait! Is your dad going to be at Prom? If he is you guys are going to be in some serious trouble" Colter says and I slap myself, how the hell I forget about that? Not to mention how to pull it off, I open my mouth to speak but Tyson beats me to the punch. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there, now what are we gonna do about Krystal's party" he says with a smirk.

Everyone at the table gasps and then its replaced with devious smiles, I taught them well. But its cool cause I already thought about this. "When is the party again?" Collin asks.

"Tonight at seven but people won't start coming until nine" replies Holli and my lips turn upward even more and Wynters rolls his eyes smiling at me. "Oh no, this darlin's got a plan for mischief" and I hit his arm lightly. "Is there any other plans I would have but mischief love? Anyways meet at my house at six, and wear ALL black, we gonna have some fun."We all laugh and plan what going to go down for tonight.

The bell rings for class and we all leave but Tyson grabs me at the last minute. "Summer can I talk to you for a sec?" I'm confused but willing to hear my friend out so I say goodbye to everyone else and pull Tyson to the side. "What's up?" He looks really nervous and pale, he takes slow deep breaths and finally looks at me but he's chocking on his words.

"Tyson honey, look at me ok? Tell me what's on your mind slowly, at your own pace whenever your ready yeah?" I say rubbing his back and pulling him down so we sit on the floor next to the lockers, if anybody got something to say, I'll be happy to give a bitch a black eye for talking under her breath.

Tyson nods and bites his bottom lip. "I'm pansexual" He says and I'm so lost. I've heard of gay, bisexual and transgender but Pansexuality is new to me. "What does that mean?" I ask and he smiles at me sadly. "It means when I'm basically attracted to anybody despite their gender" he says and I make the o shape with my mouth and pull him up to stand.

"Do you hate me n-"

I don't let him finish because I pull him into the tightest hug I can ever give. Tyson's my bro, he could could like my freaking left over macaroni and I would still love him, plus every girl has always wanted a gay best friend and that girl happens to be me! "Tyson, your still gonna be awesome to me, nothing has changed and it never will do you hear me?" I say wiping away a lone tear from his face and mines and he nods while smiling.

Then picking me up and hugging me "Ohh your the best!"

"Ain't I? Now, who are you crushing on that made you come out to me because I don't think there would be any other reason" I whisper and he looks up and down the corridors of the school and the turns back to me and cups his hand around my ear. "Its Colter, we've been seeing each other for a while now" He whispers in my ear and I fan girl like crazy.

"OH MY GAWD! TYSON WHY YOU AINT TELL ME SOONER!!!" I laugh and start slapping his arms violently which he's taking like a lil bitch, man up yo. "Ouch! your so abusive! And the only people who know are you and that little shit Maeson" He pouts and I rub his arm soothingly. "Its fine babe, you can tell others when your ready, now let's get to class before we get a call home and I end up with no phone" I giggle and he laughs along side me with our arms looped together.



"Alright, here's how its going down"

Summer's Wynter (Interacial Teen Romance)Where stories live. Discover now