Not until I see love once again

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Not until I see love once again

2 weeks

Its been two weeks since Wynters accident and I can proudly say that I am an emotional wreck. I haven't eaten in the last four days, let alone go to school. I've only been at the hospital with Wynter, mama and daddy have tried to get me to finish up my senior year since we only have a month of school left but I can't bring myself to leave my loves side. Especially now since we applied to the same college and there's a strong chance one of us won't get accepted.

Every body has come to visit Wynter, even Maeson came and brought flowers. I apreciate his efforts to the fullest because him and Wynters had beef from the beginning. Colter just kept apologing to me and Wynters mom because his dad hasn't been here since the first night and we keep telling him it wasn't his fault, cause it wasn't.

I'm just sitting here with my right hand on Wynters still cold one, waiting-waiting for any kind of reaction from him but nothing so far. He has tubes in his nose and his skin is so pale and he just looks dead and my heart aches. There's a slight knock on the door, my head turns slowly and there's Maeson but there's something different about him.

Its not about his appearance because everything about what he's wearing up to his hair is normal but maybe it some thing about his eyes? "Can I talk to you for a second Summer?"

Maeson's POV

"Can I talk to you for a minute Summer?"

Might as well get it over with now, there's absolutely no way I can carry on this crush for her but I have to let her know cause that dummy of a brother said its not good to bottle up emotions or some shit like that. No doubt I am still in love with Summer but right now, Wynters needs her and I'm not that much of an awful person.

Summer has been an absolute wreck ever since Wynters accident and because I love her it hurts me too, she's stopped coming to school, she's getting skinnier and her face isn't that same caramel glow as before. She's also stopped wearing her nose ring, yeah its that serious. "Sure but I'm not leaving Wynters side, just lock the door and say what to need to" she smiles small and I nod and does what she instructs

Not like Wynters gonna hear what I have to say right? Ok I'm being mean.

I breath out and she tilts her head to the side cutely causing me to smile sadly, I know I'm going to be rejected but its fine. I'm prepared for it, I've been prepared ever since I seen the look that Summer and Wynters give each other so Tyson, Emma, Mandy, Holly and I have decided its time for this to come out. Even if Summer hates me afterwards, I'll be fine.

"What is it twin?" Summer says and I chuckle, I'm gonna miss hearing her call me that.

"A year ago, I was an awful kid. I did drugs, rolled with the wrong crowd and of course, I was failing school." She looked confused and was about to say something but I didn't let her get the chance to say "And being with the wrong crowd as in I was in a gang, the baddest gang around them parts. I was the youngest but it still felt like they cared about me, like I was one of them."

I bit my lip at the memory "We did terrible things and Tyson and I hated each other because he was the good twin and I was the road kill, we never got along. Anyways at school there was this girl, Diana. She was every guys dream girl and she'd dye the long brown curls at the end of her hair pretty sea colors like pink, blue or purple so everyone called her mermaid." I twisted a curl of Summers hair and Summer smiled fondly at me and rested her hand on my cheek, I took a deep breath.

"Diana was the only one who didn't look down on me, she didn't say 'your no good' or 'you'll never amount to anything' She treated me like Maeson y'know? And I was so in love with her it was crazy, so in love to the point that I was going to quit the gang to be with her. because even though she liked me she dreaded what I did and I was willing to change for her." I sobbed out, tears streaming down my face and Summer wiped them "No Maeson if its too much you don't have to tell me-" I grabbed both of her hands and kissed her knuckles.

"I went to quit the gang the day after I confessed to Diana and she said she felt the same towards me, the gang didn't take to well to that and after listening to why they weren't to happy for my reasoning, then the next day I saw Diana.." Summer sat me down as I started convulsing with unbearably hot tears, it just hurts so much.

"The next day I saw Diana, half of her face was slit and I knew it was my fault. She didn't talk me after that and she got teased at school a lot for it, so her and her family moved..I did that to her, I drove away my only friend because I made stupid mistakes, I couldn't bear with the lonliness that she wasn't there and pain of her hating me so I attempted suicide. Luckily, Tyson got to me just in time and basically saved my life so I owe it to him, that's when my parents suggested we move here and I just wanted you to know this because ever since I saw you I have loved you."

Summer gasped and stepped back as I nodded my strawberry hair in shame. Her eyes pooled with tears and I stood up "But I know you don't feel that way about me and I came to tell you its fine and that you need Wynters now and he needs you too. Somehow I feel relived that I have gotten this off of my chest.

"T..the hell she doe-does need me right now" A strangled and deep voice echo's in the quiet room and I go rigid and turn to the body in the bed, his eyes were half open but enough to see the two other people in the room. "Winnie?" Summers voice cracked as she slowly walked over to Wynters who had a half passed smile.

"Who else would it be?" He said and I rolled my eyes. "I'll get the nurse" I said quickly departing the room fast and Summer calls my name but I ignore her calling, I was expecting her to slap me, hit me or do something but she just looked shocked. Like she never even knew, it hurt. I leaned in the wall and let the rest of my tears run down my face. I know I'll be happier and hopefully, somebody will come along that take this pain away.

Someone that will make me forget my feelings for Summer, it won't be easy but there's even hope for people like me right?

"Miss, A patient has woken up."

Summer's Wynter (Interacial Teen Romance)Where stories live. Discover now