The girl with the blonde ponytail

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Summers POV

I have never in a million years thought that I'd be in love with a white boy. Ha, just saying it is ridiculous. I text Maeson and asked him if he wanted to chill because we never get a chance for us just to be twinnies anymore, we see each other at lunch and in the hallways but he hardly speaks to me now that our crew has fused with Wynters, my love is always around and for some reason it only bothered Maeson.

I hear my door bell ring and rush down stairs. Yass my homie came through! I fling the door open and give Maeson the hugest smile ever before hurriedly scooping him up for a big hug. Dang I ain't know I was that strong. " c..ant breath" Maeson says at my tight embrace and I quickly let him go laughing at him as he takes in deep breaths.

"Don't be a biatch now lest go watch some movies kid" I say as he regains himself and scowls at me mumbling something like "crazy bitch" and I just giggle going into the kitchen grabbing some junk that would give us diabetes and high cholesterol in 2.5 seconds.

"Why do you have all this stuff, you ain't dead yet?" Maeson chuckles looking at a pack of chocolate covered marshmallows with sprinkles and I stick my tongue at him.

"Because moving here I knew I wasn't going to get my daily dose of chocolate, if you know what I mean" I smirked and winked at him. I know Masey-bear (yes dats what I call him) didn't get it the first time so I let him process it before his eyes widen and I laugh o-d hard at his face. "Your so dirty in the head,my innocence is being soiled by your urban ways!" he says covering his eyes and blushing as we walk in my room and I plop down on my bed still laughing.

"Pshh whateva you love my ghetto ass and bitch please, what innocence?." I joke sitting up and he sits next to me smiling and pats my head. "I know!" he says cutely but with a hint of sadness that he quickly covers up and I pinch his cheeks and got up to play Mean Girls. That's my favorite movie! and I know it's wrong but Regina George is my main bitch. Ive never liked most goodie goodie main characters in movies.

Halfway into the movie, Maeson sings. "So how are you and Wynter?" he asked which makes me surprised because I thought he hated talking about Wynter but it makes me happy that he's trying to be nice about Wynter being my boyfriend.

I look up to the ceiling dreamily and throw my hands up. "Its like nothing Ive ever felt before, we've only known each other for such a short time and the amount of love we have has reached an insane amount, its Cray" I Finnish sighing and looking over at Maeson who looks a little sad and upset. I rest my hand on his cheek.

"Maeson? what's wrong?" I ask with a small voice and he looks up at me with confidence in his blue eyes. "Why him Summer? He's just a jock ass hole? Someone would do you better" he says slowly and I looked at him wide eyed.

"Why are you saying this?" I say a little angry. Wynter has never done anything wrong to Maeson when I'm around. "Is he different towards you when I'm not around babe?" I ask and he shakes his head so what's the problem.

"So why are you saying this? Why can't you just accept that Wynter makes me happy and we love each other! You keep putting our relationship down Maeson and I want to know why! I love him and vice versa, I understand that you are looking out for me but come on Masey". I say with tears threatening to fall and Maeson looks at me apologetically.

"I..I can't tell you, but I will tell you that I will never a prove of your relationship with an ass like that.." I immediately slap Maeson unconsciously with tears streaming down my cheeks and I gasp in surprise of what I did and I look at Maesons shocked expression. I put my hand to my mouth and before he could say anything I rush out my bedroom door and out on the streets.

I run and I run fast down the opposite end of the street not really knowing where I'm going but as long as I'm away from where my house is, that's where I wanna be. How could Maeson say that about my boyfriend? Wynter was the kindest,sweetest and greatest person I've ever met and who doesn't like him? Even Amanda, Holli, Emma and Tyson warmed up to him and his clique.

I finally stop running and start sobbing uncontrollably and bend down hug myself in the unknown environment but then I hear a loud scream. I stand to attention quickly and walk further down the street and see a few kids around the ages of 8 or 10 around a girl with a blonde ponytail. Of course they were all white.

The girl was huddled with her face buried in her knees probably crying as the other kids shoved her around laughing, and cackling at the poor thing. Fuck no I hate bullying.

"Hey what the hell are all doing? leave her alone or I'm calling the police!" I left my phone back at my house so that was a total lie. They all look at me in fear, (yea I have that affect on people) and they disband quickly while I kneel down to the little girl who was still huddled tightly. " Hey, sweetie its OK their gone now" She still sat there like she ain't hear me so I rest my hand on her shoulder and shake her a bit.

She has a pink dress on that is a little torn probably because of them badass kids and her white socks have some dirt blotches on them. Those kids need a meeting with the fucking belt.

Then she looks up at me with familiar beautiful green eyes. She has rosy cheeks that are stained with tears but she still looked like a princess. "Its time to go hun" I say again but then she just gives me another blank look but then it looks like realization dawned upon her because her eyes widen. Then she pointed over to a tiny object across the lot and I stood up to go over to it and picked it up. It was a hearing aid.


Who the fuck bullies a deaf little girl? I quickly rush back over and dust off her hearing aid and place it in her ear gently and turn it on. My grandmother has one of these so I know how they work. "Better?" I ask and the girl then looks at me with a wide smile and nods quickly and I laugh because one of her teeth are missing.

"What is your name?" I say picking her up and dusting her off. She looks confused a bit and then grabs my hand. "Sam" Sam says with a scratchy yet high pitched voice. I think she hears herself speak and her eyes get sad and my heart clenches. I nod my head to show her I understand and look around at where we are.

Shit this is just like the first day of school plus I don't have my phone. I look down at Sam who stares happily at me and I giggle at her silliness. But since she's here she must go to school near here and she was alone so she must live walking distance right?

"Sam, princess? do you know where you live?" She beams at when I call her princess and nods rapidly and I smile. "Can you show me so that I can take you home?" She crinkles her nose and I see she doesn't understand so I put my arms in the shape of a house and then her beautiful green eyes pop open and she nods fast again and starts pulling me towards the way I first ran and I just let her.

I laugh at the silly girl with the blonde ponytail trying to talk to me but I know it hurts her voice to talk so I just give her two starburst I had in my pocket to sooth her throat a bit as we continued to make our way down the road.

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