That Awkward Moment When

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That Awkward Moment When.

"Dude, she wants to have sex with me!" I literally scream at Raymond as he sits on my bed looking at me completely unaffected by my sudden out burst.

"And? isn't she your girlfriend? Wynter you've been dating for more than 3 months, its bound to get to that point at sometime" He said rolling his eyes and folding his arms like he was talking to a little kid. My mom and dad are out so they won't hear me talking about this and Sam...well I guess you already you she won't hear anything.

Here I am panicking because Summer said that she was ready to have sex with me. And don't get me wrong, when she said that it blew my mind and I was totally happy but was she really ready? I'm not prepared to do something she might hate me for later. I want to, dear God, I want to, but is it really what she wants? That's why I called up Raymond to seek his advice and lord knows why, because he gives the worlds worst love advice ever.

"Bro its not that simple, I actually like this girl. And she's not just one of the other slutty girls at our school she's different and I-" I cut myself off because I can see Raymond smirk. Shit. "Aweee Wynters in LOVE!!" He shouts and I slap the shit outta him, what the hell is wrong with him! "Ow wtf bro!" he said rubbing his red cheek. Good for you.

"You don't know what you could have done if my parents where home." Another reason I was afraid to sleep with Summer, my dad. I know I said that when he came back from his trip we would all sit down and talk about me and Summers relationship but nooo Maeson had to come and- I'm gonna cry, claim Summer as his. And if my dad finds out we've lied about it, he'll be even more pissed.

Ray pouts and I sigh. "Sorry man, I'm just so worried about this. I don't want her to regret being with me. And now graduation is coming up, college. What if we get into two different colleges?" I say running a hand through my blonde hair, its all so much. Raymond pats me on the back. "I hear you Wynter. Just tell your dad about Summer.

The worst he could do is tell you to stop seeing her, s'its not that bad and I don't think Summer enjoys not being able to go out on dates with you because you guys risk the possibility of getting caught" he smiles and I grin at him. "And as for Summer, tell her that you want to wait until you open up to your dad about the relationship ok bro?"

Wow, never thought my asshole best friend would come out with a good idea with this particular topic, I punch his arm and he hisses. "Thanks man, didn't know what I would do with out ya. Love you dude." I laugh at him as he clutches his arm, "Oh C'mon that was a baby tap." I laugh and he looks at me like I've grown two heads. "Bitch! you put all of your strength into that and you know it you fucking Dick" He whimpers and I sigh while smiling in triumph "Yeah, I did didn't I? Well I'm hungry, let's go. And after food we can go practice"

I say hauling him up and pushing him out the door.

The next day at school, I walked in nervously. I was going to confront Summer today about us, getting her away from her friends was easy enough and Ray gave me a thumbs up before I pulled her into an empty classroom. "Summer at the-

"I'm sorry, you don't have to if you don't want too..I just felt like I needed to be closer to you somehow" She says suddenly on the brink of tears and I pull her into a hug. "Shh Baby, that's not what I was going to say at all darlin'" She looks up at me with her big hazel eyes that are filled with tears and I kiss both of her cheeks.

"I was gonna say I want you to meet my parents before we do any kind of commitment to each other like that. And I want to make sure that you are definitely ready because there's nothing more I'd rather do than-" I pick her up by her thighs as she instantly wraps her arms around my neck tightly and put her on a desk and wrap her long beautiful caramel legs around my waist.

Thank god she's wearing skinny jeans pants because I don't want her to feel my erection, I lean down and whisper in her ear "Than taking you where I want, whenever I want love"

I smile and she blushes like crazy when I pull her down. "But what about your dad? He doesn't like me too much" she rubs her arm looking down and I tilt her head up to face me. "We'll make him like you, my father might be prejudice but he's not an idiot." It was true too. My father put all of his personal opinions aside when he was completely certain about something.

"Now let's go darl' How bout I take you for some pizza later" I ask grabbing her hand and leading her out the class and she beams at me. "Hell yeah!

I sigh in happiness.

Now all I have to do is set up a dinner with my father as a racist, my mother who embarrasses the shit out of me and my deaf sister who can't and will not stop asking questions. Can't be that hard right?

Summer's Wynter (Interacial Teen Romance)Where stories live. Discover now