Monday Blues

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Summers POV

Again I wake up and let the memories from last light rush over me and I gasp. I kissed Wynter Blake. Where does that leave us now? Probably no where cause I doubt a couple like us is somethin nobody wanna see. Kinda like mama when she gets mad at me for finishing up the orange juice.

I reach for my cell phone and see that its 4 in the morning. Dam, who the hell decided to have the party on Sunday knowing our asses gotta go back to school the next day? Good thing I'm not that tired. I search through my contacts and press Brandii's number and wait.

"Hello?" Brandii's voice echos through the speaker and I almost tear up...almost

"Yo, beyotch how you been"


"Nah, sorry I didn't tell y'all but I didn't know how. We moved to South Carolinia"

"South Carolina? Who doesn't tell their best friend they're moving Summer? I go to your house and no one is home in like ever but you're now telling me?" She asks hurt and i totally understood that was an ain't shit move but I was so pissed. It was all too much and daddy had to move quickly before the spot was given to another qualified doctor.

"B I'm so sorry, there wasn't time for that..daddy's been transferred to a hospital down here so it was a pick up and run sort of situation; but not telling you was wack and I'm sorry sis.." I tell her sincerely but she's quiet for a minute.

"B?" But then I hear her sigh and I smile big, thankful she's responding to me cause when she sighs it means she's about to forgive me!

"Fine i forgive you. Now I know that I haven't payed attention in history or Science but I'm pretty dam sure that ain't no where near New York"

"I know but I got so much to tell you girl!"

"Spill it hontey"

I tell Brandii about every thing that happened in the past week and I'm surprised that she said that she's happy for me and Wynter although she was about to buy a plane ticket over hear when I mentioned the Krystal incident. I love her so much and I hope she visits for the Summer...huh visiting Summer- for the Summer... Ive been around here a tad too long.

Thankfully it was 4 and I had enough time to get dressed and stuff. I got off the phone with Brandii at 5 and already took a shower, did my make up and put my hair in a messy bun and put on a fit white button up Polo shirt with a blue anchor print and my navy blue jeans skirt with my blue converse....What? I own a lot of converse.

I head downstairs to make myself some breakfast since mama and daddy are still asleep. Bonus cause I get to wear the nose ring.

After I finish my sand which I head back up stairs brush my teeth and make my way to mama and daddy room. I need money or else imma be dead by fifth period today.

"Daddy!" I whisper yell and he groans and rolls over. I roll my eyes and try again " Dad I need money or I'm finna die!" I say truthfully cause my appetite is rather big not really matching my weight. Daddy groans and pulls out wallet from his night shirt and I laugh making mama stir in her sleep. "Daddy why you got your wallet while you sleepin?" I say in between laughing and he sighs.

"So that knuckle heads like you don't steal my hard earned ass money, what you doing up early anyways?" he says handing me a twenty. "I was chatting with Brandii, she might pull through when Summer hit." I say and he lays back down " Visiting Summer- in the Summer huh" he says chuckling and I smile, me and daddy are too much alike. Which is why he don't trust me cause we think the same and has decided to keep his wallet a bed mate.

I leave and decide to walk because I haven't actually walked to school yet and I want to get used to knowing the routes. Its 6:55 but its still a little dark and school starts at 8 so I have time to wander around. But then I see a fence, that leads to the other side of town. The black side.

It didn't look like much. A few houses but not like the ones in my neighborhood, these look like rundown shacks. Dogs bark in the eerie essence that is the black part of town. No decent growing grass or a tree that's alive and street lights flicker rapidly. Its like a ghost town. I wish this town would invest more on that side, I'm sure if they got the support they'd pull through just . Y'all got a town hall for a reason right?

I try to step through the gate to get a better look but but then I hear- " I wouldn't do that if I were you" I jump and turn around to see 3 people around my age who I think go to Jefferson high. Two tall boys, one with milk chocolate skin and the other caramel, while the girl is regluarly tan with short curly hair in a pony tail . "Why not? Its not like monsters is down there or something'" I say placing a hand on my hip and milk chocolate steps forward. " There might be monsters for you, you don't belong ova here. Go back to ya white society but if you want, we can accept you."

I look at them in disbelief. Are the serious or just messing with a sista?

"Listen, I don't know what beef you got, but don't bring anybody unnecessary into the mix okay. For white people they sure as hell treating me better than you three, hell I even went to a white party and turnt it up. Y'all just ignorant as fuck and I'm outta here". I push my way through them but the girl grabs my arm

"Just go back to ya cracker ass boyfriend and lil possy but then what's going to happen when you wanna meet his parents? They'll never accept you cause your black and always will be. He's gonna end up with a white girl in the end. Then you'll come back to where you belong." she says sickly with a wicked glint in her eyes and that just sets my top off.

My fist collides with her cheek and I run. I run for dear life with tears in my eyes and I don't look back because I know that the two boys are running after me, I hear their footsteps.

Thank gosh the school is not that far away and I'm a fast runner because I lost them turning a few corners. My eyes burn from dread and realization, could what that bald bitch was saying be true?

I slide down the wall at the side of school where no one goes, not that anyone is at school this early anyways and I let the tears fall and they sting my reddened cheeks and feel like blisters. I hate crying.

After that annoying cry, I felt kind of better. How could I let some long titty no nipple having ass bitch plant that crap in my head? If that was true Wynter wouldn't have kissed me and I wouldn't have a cool ass crew.

I sit up once again and regain my confidence and look in my spare mirror, my face is toe up. Luckily I always carry my makeup pouch in case of a fight. I call it "Summers Scrap with Chicks Survival and Renewel kit" and I fix myself up.

The school doors opened at 7:30 so I was the first one in my classroom and just waited for others to flood in. This is boring I think just sitting there in an empty classroom staring at an empty bored so I turn out the window and see Wynter coming out of his black pick up truck and goes to his friends looking sexy as usual in his black button up shirt and khakis with all white nikes and I smile.

I don't know if he sensed my looking at him or something because next thing he does is look up at me and smiles big. I giggle and wave at him. He looks surprised and then starts walking to the entrance still watching me when he trips. Oh shit. I get up to see if he's OK but he and his friends are just laughing it off as they help him back up and dust him off. I cant help but smile back at their friendship.

After, Wynter looks up to me again and blows a kiss and I pretend to catch it like how he did to me on the first day and I move my head away from the window and put my head down.

I really do like that boy. Its official that something has surpassed Summer in being the best season and his name Is Wynter. Well maybe not as the best season cause I'm still poppin, oh lala my ego.

Summer's Wynter (Interacial Teen Romance)Where stories live. Discover now