Testing Boundaries

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Tyson's POV

I practically draged those three wenches, they almost told on Maeson! Well it was Emma but im putting all three in it because they acted like they knew what Em was gonna say " You idiot! You almost spilled the beans! I shout at Emma and she shrugs innocently looking like a deer caught in head lights. I sigh in exasperation.

"Look im sorry! It just took me by surprise that they fought and all, plus i was kinda talking to myself than you guys" she defends and I karate chop her. "Owwie! Violent!" She exclaims making Holli and Amanda laugh and giggle at her childish banter. "Good"

"Ok i know we all love Mason and he makes" i start to whisper, " his love for Summer pretty obvious and we want the best for him, but Summer is infact going out with Wynter and only sees Maeson as a friend so we have to chill out for now guys" Maeson may not seem like it, but he's really sensitive and i would like to protect my baby brother from things that can harm him, I couldn't do that the last time so im making up for it now.

Memorys of Maeson's pained face filled my head and i wince at the burning sensation in my stomach, we have to get over the past. After all, Only in darkness can you see the stars.

Maesons POV

Wynter looked like he was about to murder me when one of the twins were explaining what happened earlier before i came. I guess Summer told. But its whatever because they are my true feelings even if i can never actually tell Summer how much i really like her, how much I crave amd enjoy her jovial laughter and the way her eyes sparkle at the mentioning of something fun or friends and family. She is wonderful, god i sound like a love sick puppy slash sort of stalker.

There was immediate tension and Wynter grilled me the whole time and Summer just avoided my eyes. I have to apologize for making her cry though, that was not my intention and I felt like shit when i saw the water in her eyes. I didnt even mind that she slapped me because I know that I desrved it and now I just pushed her farther away into the arms of another man, life sucks when your in love with someone whos already happy.

"I really hate this" I say to Tyson in our car, pfft my car, Tyson couldnt drive to save his freaking life and it funny everytime he pouts when i bring up the subject. We are skipping school because he said he wanted to "Talk to me" and it really pisses me off that he noticed the tension in the air when I came. "What did you do to Summer" he sighs when I sit down with my coffee at starbucks and i throw my head back.

Is he serious? Whos older here? Oh right he is, but im suppose to act like the responsible big brother while he plays his secret! Yup i said it, Tyson has a HUGE secret and im the only one who knows. Of course i would never tell this secret because i love Ty to death but he has to tell others at some point and i know its crushing him on the inside about it.

"I didnt do anything, I just told the truth, you know like how you should be doing? Im not trying to sound mean Ty but i see how you look at everyone. You want to tell them but you cant and its hurting me to see my brother hurt" I say seriously and he shakes his head. "I will tell people when im ready so dont try to change the subject, what. Did. You. Tell. Summer?"

Shit, i was really hoping we could switch to his problem. He's not happy with a secret that big going around ans it will be only a matter of time before people know.

"Nothing, i just told her that i didnt approve of her relationship with that a-class butt face and she got a little upset and slapped me. Its for the best though" i say sipping my latte and the Tyson slaps me. Violent much!? "Ouch Tyson wtf?" I say grabing the cheek that Summer had also slapped me on and look at Ty as he gives a triumphant smirk.

"You deserve it! You told her that you, basically her best friend HATES her boyfriend just because of the lingering feelings you have! This is ridiculous" I sit back and fold my arms while pouting because I hate when he's fucking right. "Fuck you bro" I mumble and his blue eyes soften. "Sorry Maeson, but its the truth and you have to apologize" He says and I groan. "Shut up I know! when did you become the good twin? Fuck and now I have to worry about apologies and you have to worry about your pansexuality" I immediately cover my mouth and praying to god that no body heard that and Tyson looks at me wide eyed oops.

He gets up and wraps his hands around my neck chocking the life out of me. To everyone else it would look like twins just messing around with each other showing some brotherly love but to Tyson and I we both know he's out for blood.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I say as he finally stops and I catch my breath. "Don't ever say that out loud again or I will kill you" he says dangerously low and I nod. That's why I don't tell because I know it will make him really sad about it and I don't like seeing him upset. "Sorry it just slipped out but seriously though, everybody would love you just as they do now". I tell him and now its his turn to pout and fold his arms and it makes me smile.

"Shut up" aww he's blushing! Tyson always gets flustered when we talk about his dude-crush and I don't mind teasing him about it. I already know who he has a crush on and he didnt need to tell me before I figured it out and he's resented me for that fact ever since. Tyson gets up and starts walking without me to the car, I don't know where he's going though because like I said, the bitch can't drive.

"You know if you can't drive you can always ask-"

"SHUT UP AND COME ON" He yells and I chuckle leaving the joint to go where ever our twinly ways take us and that usually ends up with Ty snaking me in the back of my head.

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