Chapter 1: New Birds Join the Nest.

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I've wanted to join the Survey Corps ever since I was 13 years old. Ever since I saw Commander Erwin ride his horse with his team in my town I have been SO envious. I wanted to be just like him. My hero.
I made it my goal to one day be in the Survey Corps. All I ever wanted was to one day serve right next to my him, Commander Erwin.

Three years later that's exactly what I'm doing. It wasn't how I imagined it'd be but I'm not complaining. I enrolled three years ago but haven't done much since then. I just finished the ODM training and I'm dead tired. I just wanted to go to my Sleeping Quarters and take a shower and wash away my problems.

I see a very loud green-eyed boy with a stone faced girl and a blonde boy who seemed to be hiding behind the green-eyed boy a bit. The green eyed boy came up to me and smiled. "I'm Eren Jaeger!"

I smiled awkwardly back at him, "I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you Eren Jaeger." I don't even want to make eye contact with him being a stranger.

He laughed at me after I burped and then blushed in embarrassment. He introduced me to the people standing around him, he started at the one standing (creepily) close to him, "This is Mikasa Ackerman." I awkwardly waved at her just to get shot a blank stare. Uh...okay then... She gave me a over-protective older sister vibe so I stayed back.

Eren went over to the blonde shorter one, "This is my best friend Armin Arlet." Armin looked up and me and softly said "Hi". I just waved at him and he just retracted back behind Eren. They are all very attractive....which made me jealous and envious.

"So, are you joining anything specific,(Y/N)?"

"I've actually been here for three years already, I am just here to see all the brand new recruits."

Eren smiled and held his hand up, trying to convince me to high five him. "Oh, cool. You're a member of the Scout Regiment right?" I smiled, I was excited for new friends. He seemed very excited as well. I decided to accept his invitation and high five him. He smiled at my insignia and proudly saluted me.

"Cool, so we'll be training together then!" I looked around trying to scope out my sleeping quarters and had no luck while trying to not look bored and spaced out. I let out a groan that I thought only I could hear. That wasn't the case though. Eren heard me...shit.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" Eren looked confused that I just groaned at him so suddenly.

I wanted to ask him where sleeping quarters were because with all the new recruiters, it was so crowded I couldn't see a single thing. I had to think of someway to get there. Then I finally thought of something. I had a flare gun in my pocket. I found it while I was walking around one night. I haven't fired it yet. I don't even know if there's anything in it. I guess it's worth a try.
I take it out and look at the three kids and say, "Cover your ears." Only two listened.
"HEADS UP!" I launch the flare into the sky. It makes a whistling noise as it soars upwards. Almost all of the kids ducked down and some of them even fell to the ground. As everyone was down, I ran to the direction of the Sleeping Quarters.
As I finally made it to my room, I am left with a crowd of screaming and fumbling kids. I let out a slight silent laugh. Never gets old messing with the rookies.
Before I could make it to tbs rest of the way to my room, I slammed into stiff, cold figure that was shorter than me and very angry looking. His eyes pierced me like black daggers. How entrancing. "What's your name Cadet?" He was examining me like he was unimpressed at what he saw. Then it hit me like a rock to the eye. It was Captain Levi Rivaille.

"Cadet (F/N) (L/N) sir!" I saluted him but didn't look at him. Eye contact is weird for me. " I'm sorry I ran into you. I wasn't looking. I was in a rush. " I didn't dare move a muscle.

He just glared at me with those piercing eyes and clicked his tongue at me. "Tch, just call me Captain Levi you twit. It makes me feel old when people call me 'Rivallie' And next time, watch where you're going, you clumsy brat." His cold eyes gave me a bit of a shiver. There was something about him that felt like home. He's always been like that. But somehow, today was different.

"Yes, Sir." I didn't want to make eye contact. I have been here all this time and never once seen him.

He just made the "tch" sound, turned his back to me and walked away. "Just go"

Well that went well. All I wanted to do was get into my quarters to take a shower. Captain Levi's stare sent a weird vibe through me.

Author's Note:

Hey, this is my first book and the first chapter. I don't have a vivid picture of what the story is about but right now I'm just winging it. Haha. K cool. Peace. The images I use are NOT mine. I repeat Not mine. Everyday a new chapter will be published. Be patient my children.

Criticism is welcome. Let me know how to make it better. :3
Update: Hello, it's 2020 and I'm a new bitch! I'm actually going back and editing this whole book AND adding more chapters! I want to at least get 30 chapters in by the end of April. #quarantinevibes. 💕🤙🏻 stay safe guys.

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