Chapter 14: The past cannot be erased, it can only be forgiven.

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Author's Note: Before you read please allow me to warn you, this is a big jump into something new, I need more drama amongst the characters and this is something I thought of. If it is too much please feel free to tell me so. If you decide you enjoy it please stay tuned for the next chapter which will be up tomorrow. That's it. Please resume, and thanks for your support.

After I finished my walk I felt hungry, so I decided to go into the Dining Hall to eat something. It feels around lunch time so I'm sure there will be some food there.

I make my way over and then I stop short. There was a sharp pain in my head behind my eyes and it was increasingly becoming more painful by the minute. I felt weak at the knees and my vision was becoming blurry. No one was around but I could see a shed nearby. I decided to make my way slowly over to the shed and crouch behind it.

My vision was getting white and there was a high pitched ringing in my ear that wouldn't go away. I started to sweat profusely and hyperventilate. It was now becoming hard to breathe..what is going on?

I was on my knees holding my head writhing in pain. I held my breath but I needed to breathe. The pain in my head was so unbearable that I covered my mouth and smothered my screams. I refuse to let this happen.

I tried to pull myself up by propping myself up on the shed door but I put all my weight on my hand and I began to get splinters. So many splinters. After about 5 minutes of intense and deafening pounding, it stopped. Everything was still. The pounding was gone, I regained my vision, and I could breathe normally.

I just sat there crouched down hugging my knees and stared blankly at the ground. I needed a moment to process what the fuck just happened.

I began to zone out and my hunger has faded. I was snapped back into reality when I heard someone running towards the shed, they sounded like they were crying.

I sprung up and put my back to the wall and made myself flat.

"Why don't they take me seriously? I'm a man too!" They started to cry hysterically. The voice was hoarse but a bit high pitched.

I heard a soft thump which meant they fell to their knees. "Why, grandpa?" It was so silent I could almost hear the tears fall on the ground.

Then there was a hole in the shed at least a centimeter away from where I was standing. "GOD DAMNIT IM NOT A LITTLE GIRL!!"

My heart skipped a beat and I held my breathe, whoever this was, he was pissed.

I looked down without making myself noticeable and looked through the hole, it was Armin. Armin Arlet.

He looked terrible. His blonde hair was tangled and dirty, his usually bright eyes were dark and cloudy, and his hands were cut and bruised. He looked disheveled and it broke my heart. What happened to him? Who did this to him?

I was so absorbed into why he was there that I didn't even notice he saw me there. When I saw he got up I jerked my head away but then I felt a shaky, hot and sweaty hand on my shoulder and I quickly turned around. 

"(Y/ N).." his voice was breaking off, he sounded weak and shaky.

"No, don't speak Armin. Don't worry. I'm here." I unconsciously wrapped my arms around his small, fragile body and gently held him.

His arms were stiff at his sides, "(Y/ N)?"

I dug my face into his neck and shut my eyes, "Yes?"

"Will you do me a favor?" He was soft and gentle with his words but I wasn't convinced, he still hurt.

"Anything." I was teary eyed and I was trying so hard not to squeeze him, I just wanted to make him feel better but I didn't know how.

I felt his arms move and then I heard something metal clank in his hands. " I want you to take this and kill me. " It wasn't his usual tone, it was low and dry, almost like a desert.

I was in tears, I couldn't even breathe. "What the Hell, do you know what that would do to Mikasa and Eren?"

I ripped myself away from him and dug my heels into my boots. "DO YOU!?" "YOU ARE ALL THEY HAVE AND IF YOU DIE THEY ARE NOTHING!!!! NOTHING, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!? THEY'RE AS GOOD AS DEAD WITHOUT YOU!! YOU'RE THE REASON THEY FIGHT!" I was besides myself , the first friends I made and they're slipping away. I refuse to let anyone else slip away from me.

My hands were shaking, I was livid. "ARMIN ARLET YOU ARE ALL I HAVE AS WELL, I DON'T MATTER AS MUCH AS MIKASA AND EREN AND I CAN'T PROTECT YOU LIKE THEY CAN BUT I CARE ABOUT YOU AS WELL!!!" I was screaming. I was scared, for the first time since I was 9, I was scared. Scared for someone whom I care deeply for, scared for their safety, and scared that I'll be alone again.

Armin had eyes of pure defeat, he didn't have that bright cheery smile and those ocean blue eyes. His eyes were filled with disgust and hatred. Someone hurt him and I have to save him before he hurt himself.

I rip the gun from his grasp and I throw it to the left of me. "DON'T MOVE." I run up to him and I pick him up bridal style and ran. Tears were in my eyes as I ran.

I was going to bring him into my room and figure this out. First I had to get Mikasa and Eren.

I finally arrive at my room and I kick open the door forcefully. Surprisingly enough it wasn't locked. It wasn't even closed all the way. 

I walk quickly over to my bed and I sit him down. " Take your clothes off, I'm going to get Eren and-"

"NO!" He grabbed my collar and ripped me down. "Don't! Please. I don't want them to worry. I'm okay really."

I clenched my fists for a moment and then decided to strip him myself. I tried to keep my hands from shaking and took off his coat gently. Then I unbuckled his torso belts. I could hear him breathing heavily above me. I unbuttoned his buttons on his shirt that were drenched in dirt and blood. I slide it down his arms and I peer at his chest. There were stab wounds. Did he get into a fight? No, not Armin. Who would want to hurt him? The thoughts were haunting me as I undressed him to his underwear and laid him down. "Please don't tell them." He gave me beggar eyes.

I sighed and walked over to my vanity.  I scanned it, hair brush, gauze, wooden piece from my door and the first aid kit. I grabbed the gauze and the first aid kit and slammed it down next to the bed.

"I will be right back. I'm going to get water to clean your wounds. Don't move, please." I bit my lip and slowly went towards the door.

"You're not gonna tell them right, (Y/ N)?"

"Yes, Armin. I won't tell." It wasn't Armin stopping was guilt.

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