Chapter 18: A Really Expected "Surprise"

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Even after the awkward kiss I received I still agreed to sleep in the room tonight for his sake. I laid him back down and told him that I was going to get Eren. He just seemed to blankly look back at me. His eyes were like a polluted sea, it no longer shines with the light of hope.
"Eren might be worried about you but I'm sure Mikasa told him. He might want to see you, but I'm not sure why he hasn't yet."

He just rolled over painfully on his side and grunted at me. I sighed and walked out,closing the door on my way out. I stood in the hallway absorbing the guilt. Why haven't I gone to training yet? I haven't gone on in three years...I have been here for three years. 

The day was still premature and the breeze was a crisp, cool,and Chill. It was quite relaxing and reassuring to be honest. I exhaled softly and smiled. I gazed at the opening on the wooden door as the faint sunlight shone through. I loved the outside, no matter the weather was, it was awesome. I stepped out and sat on a stump right in the middle of the field. There weren't many people around because it was still very early, but I did see Petra walk into the horse stalls with hay a couple of times. I leaned a bit backwards and inhaled, letting the cool air chill my lungs.

"(Y/ N)!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING OMG!!" I heard quick footsteps, someone was sprinting towards me and I had a distinct idea of who it could be. Whoever was running towards me, they had a heavy footing.

They were coming from behind me and rammed themselves into my back, full force, knocking me over like a domino. I felt their shoulder penetrate my back muscles. They fell with me but I felt the earthy flavor of the dirt and the sponge-like ground beneath least it broke my fall.  They immediately got up and was now sitting on me. Whoever this is, they have a bony ass.

"Okay so, one; Is Armin okay? Can I see him? And two; I'm engaged." Jaeger....WHAT THE HELL JEAGER??

He slammed his left hand down next to my head, showing me his silver engagement ring. "Look at it...LOOK AT IT? Isn't it magical?"

He got off of me but I decided to continue to lay on the ground for a bit longer, I kind of liked the way the cool dirt felt on my skin. He sat crisscrossed next to me and continued to speak." Levi told me that after he gets back from his mission in three months we're gonna get married! I want to tell Armin but I don't know what shape he's in yet."

I shot my head up, "Wait, Levi is gone?" I didn't pay much attention to any thing else he said except for that Levi was gone.

"Yeah, he's on a mission with the team. Why didn't you know that? Aren't you on his team?" He seemed casual about Levi leaving without taking any of us with him.

"ARENT YOU?" I got myself up my my elbows and sat in front of him. I was outraged. 

He scratched the side of his face and put his hand behind his neck, "Heh, well I'm his fiancee, so obviously. But I'm a rookie...i was actually mad that I couldn't go but Levi assured me that if I trained more that I could go on the next mission for sure!"

I was so confused and angry at the same time that I forgot I was yelling, "WHUH-WAIT....YOU'RE TELLING ME, THAT YOU AND I ARE BOTH ON HIS TEAM AND DIDN'T LET US GO WITH HIM?" I was livid. I was here for three years and I haven't gone on one mission.

"We're still rookies, (Y/ N). But Levi let me shadow with the military police for a bit."


"Ahh, and Levi have been dating for about a year now. If you were here for three years then how didn't you know that?." His face shook with the motion of his body and he grabbed my wrists.

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