Chapter 2: Meeting New Weirdos.

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Authors Note: Hey...sorry about the delay and stuff. Here's Chapter 2! Feel free to comment, suggest and keep reading!

I was dreaming about something that I can't remember anymore. But all I know is that I've had it before. But I didn't get to see all of it because someone was obnoxiously banging on my door with all their force. I thought they were going to break it open. I threw the covers off and groaned.

"ALRIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!" I yelled at the person trying to murder my door. Who the hell is it???!! If they didn't stop banging on my door I was going to yank it open and strangle them.

I storm over to the door to see a slightly shorter person looking at me with a big goofy grin. "Sure as hell isn't Levi. He's never happy..." I grumble angrily to myself.
It was Eren..the doofus was banging on my door. He looked very awake, it was like he didn't even sleep. I, on the other hand, felt like someone hit me with a rock multiple times and then told me to run until you feel suicidal. "What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes trying to get them to focus.
"(Y/N), I was told by Armin to retrieve you. He wants you to eat breakfast with us." he grabbed me by the wrist without my full knowledge or consent, and pulled me all the way to the Dining Hall. I was barely able to keep my footing at his speed.

We finally arrived at the Dining Hall with Eren panting and I was still tired and grumpy as hell. I was still in my pajamas and wanted to go back to bed. I still don't know what time it is. I guess it was morning because everyone was also wearing their night clothes.
Armin waved at me and flashed a bright smile and offered me a seat. I plopped my lifeless corpse on the seat across from Mikasa and Eren.
"Thanks ..." I droned, almost slurring my words and rested my arms and head on the table. I felt so dead. I just wanted a nap.
Maybe I can just....

"Sure, no problem (Y/N)" Armin looked down and mimicked my posture.
I was struggling to keep my eyes open and I was bobbing off.

"So, (Y/N), how'd you sleep?" Eren slammed his elbows down full force on the table which caused me to tense up. This kid is so loud. I lifted my head up slowly and looked him dead in the eyes.

"I would've slept a little longer if it weren't for some goon trying to break my door down." Eren shifted uncomfortably and Mikasa shot me a angry stare, which I then copied. I wouldn't mind if it was later in the day but, mornings? Really?

He chuckled a bit as he studied the ground, it was obvious he felt bad and was now embarrassed. Okay, I feel a bit bad now. I put a hand on his shoulder and weakly smiled, "Don't sweat it, kid. I'm just a bit cranky right now. I didn't get much sleep last night. "

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to..." his voice lowered to a whisper, "..break your door. But I'm glad you're being so content about it."

"Aw that's o-YOU WHAT!?" I shot up out of my seat,all my nerves have just been challenged. " YOU GOT TO THIS DAMN PLACE AND YOU ALREADY BROKE MY DOOR?! NOW I HAVE TO TELL CAPTAIN LEVI ABOUT THAT AND I DON'T WANT TO GET IN TROUBLE AGAIN OR EVEN WORSE......TELL CAPTAIN LEVI!!!!" I tried to catch my breath before I passed out, I didn't have food in my system and I'm getting too worked up. I slowly sat back down, feeling a bit of vertigo and embarrassment.

I looked at Eren and Armin who's shaking a bit because I just blew suddenly, and Mikasa was ready to slice-and-dice me into many small pieces, which didn't faze me as much anymore. I needed to apologize to Eren though.
I slowly sit back and took a deep breath in," I'm sorry Eren...I just REEEEEALLY don't want to face Captain Levi right n-" Before I could finish my apology, some other loudmouth guy was screaming," YO, DID YOU GUYS HEAR THAT?! SOUNDS LIKE SOMEONE IS AAAAAANNGRRRYYYYYYYY!!"

Eren shot up and looked angry "Oi, could you do us all a favor and shut the hell up?"

This guy stood up and walked over to Eren, which then made Mikasa stand up too. "You wanna fight Jaeger?"
He grabbed Eren by the collar. I was angry at this guy for being so loud in the morning  and I was also mad that now my door is broken.

I watched them yell at each other and then Eren was pinned up against the wall. "YOU RIP MY SHIRT YOU'RE DEAD!!"

I got involved, naturally. "Hey asshole, let him go and fight me instead. " I looked him straight in the eyes. I didnt really want to fight him, I just wanted them to shut up. This seems to be the only way to do it.
I'm already on a probationary trial right now though, so I don't want to piss Erwin off and get a lecture for the 6th time this month. These morons really aren't worth it.

He set Eren down but looked down at me and smiled creepily, "Sorry honey, I don't fight girls. Wouldn't want to make you cry." Ugh, this guy is gonna piss me off.

" Well, I wouldn't blame you, it's only natural for a coward like you to back down from REAL fight." I grabbed him by the collar and got close to him. I pressed my fist against his collarbone and pressed him against the wall with all my force.
"Think about how you wanna go out before you talk to us with such disrespect, you uncultured swine." I slammed his face on the table so hard I thought it would crack in half. "Make me cry, huh? Tch. Don't make me laugh. I would live for the moment that a piece of infected garbage like you would make someone like me cry."
I released my hand and let him scurry away under the table. That's away from a fight like the real coward you are.
"All talk and no game huh?" I demonically laughed at him as he hid under the table.

Eren ran over to me, his eyes glowing with excitement " (Y/N), that was AWESOME! You really put him in his place."

I smiled awkwardly, " I just hate when people are so loud in the morning. He's just an obnoxious brat. He has no place talking to us with such a filthy attitude." I tried to track him down with my eyes just so he could see me looking at him again.

Armin and Eren looked at each other in awe. I just looked at them in complete oblivion. At least I was awake. Eren finally spoke, " That's how Captain Levi yells at us. You sound just like him!!!"

Chills ran down my spine. Oh god. I don't really know what he sounds like but that's what my cousin said sometimes. " No, I learned that from my cousin from back home...but I haven't seen him in six years though."
I looked out at the window, silently admiring the beautiful array of blues and pinks that aligned the sky.

Just then the door swung open causing everyone to jump. "Why do I hear you brats screaming?" That voice....Captain Levi!

Everyone sat down immediately, the loud ugly one crawled out from under the table and sat down in a chair as well. I felt nausea run through me when he walked over towards us. He looked down at me and bent down a bit until he was eye to eye with me, " Cadet (L/N), meet me in my office. That's an order. "

Oh no! I was digging my grave as soon as I snapped at Eren....this was it. " Yes sir."


Sorry this was a long chapter, I wanted to introduce some of the characters more. There will be more scenes like this, I swear. Have a good day and remember to let me know if you want me to add anything, change anything, or if you just want to suggest anything. Peace.

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