Chapter 13: Time to tell the truth

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I decided to take a stroll outside and air myself out. Being inside all the time might make me go a bit crazy.  I shoved my hands in my pockets and smiled, "Such a beautiful day." I sighed like in was in love. The sun was shining down on me and the birds were singing. Everything was so peaceful.

"HEY BRAT GET YOURS ASS OVER HERE!" Was...was..peaceful.

Oh I forgot, peaceful days are only for people who aren't me.

"EXPLAIN YOURSELF YOU BRAT" Levi was staring up at me with rage, let me take a wild guess here and assume that Jager-Meister told Mr.AngryBrows that I heard them playing twist and fuck last night. I felt him kick he in the back of the leg causing me to fall over.

"Well, I'm 17 and I like-" he cut me off and grabbed my by the collar yanking me up to his eye level.

"YOU KNOW WHAT THE HELL I MEAN (L/N)!! YOU HEARD US, DIDNT YOU!!?" He wants me to feel bad or something but I just smiled. 

I shrugged, "Yeah. So what?" I looked away from him and he just blinked aggressively.

His eye was twitching, "WHY WAS YOUR NOSEY ASS LISTENING?" He pulled me even closer to him.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Because you're loud, I was curious and the walls are very thin. What do you want me say, "A-ah! I'm so sorry Captain, I'm so stupid!"?"

His voice was forceful, " You tell anyone and I will end your miserable life quickly." He gave me a very threatening look.

"Damn, chill out there pipsqueak. I wasn't planning on telling anyone. If you want, I'll just pretend I don't know." I was very annoyed that my peaceful walk was interrupted and I just wanted to get back to it. " I don't care what you do, just keep it to like a 2." I grabbed his wrist and yanked it off my collar.

"Just keep your pretty little mouth shut Cadet." His hands became fists.

"Aww, think I'm pretty? Sorry, I'm not into you." I slid my hands in my pockets and gave him a cocky smile. "Save it for Eren."

"SHUT UP BRAT!! JUST KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT GOT IT??"  He turned around vigorously and stomped away. He looked like an angry child throwing a temper tantrum.

I laughed to myself and continued to walk. "You got it...Heichou."

As I got further down the path I happened to see a short amber haired that Petra? I don't really know her personally but I see her always up Levi's ass.

She seemed to be desperately trying to get Levi's attention. Levi seems very annoyed by this. I, naturally, decided to help out. Mostly out of spite.

I slowly and quietly follow behind them and keep my distance. I pulled out a handkerchief from my shirt pocket and followed close behind Petra.

"Levi just talk to me please." She tried grabbing his arm but he yanked it away.

" Petra go away. I don't want you bothering me. I have work I have to do and so do you." Levi tried to pick up his pace with walking but she was not giving up. She sped up as well.

I took my chance. I ran up behind Petra and covered her mouth with the handkerchief I found in my pocket, then I picked her up and ran away with her still covering her mouth with my handkerchief.

"I WILL NOT LET YOU INTERFERE WITH LEVI'S RELATIONSHIP, PETRA!" I kept sprinting away with this squirmy child in my hands until she kicked me in the leg. Then I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Sorry no hard feelings." I threw her down forcefully and sprinted away before she could even see my face.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! HEY GET BACK HERE!!" I could hear her in the distance with a confused anger.

I laughed and yelled back to her "NO FUCK YOU!" I sprinted faster than ever back to my dorm.

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