Chapter 16: A loss for words.

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I wander around for what seemed like hours before I decided to drop everything in my arms on the dirt floor outside the barracks. My arms are tired and I just can't anymore. It was night time already and everyone was getting ready to go to sleep so the outside was empty and silent. I laid out my futon flat on the ground and threw two pillows on the floor. I grabbed the wrinkled blanket I found in the bottom of my vanity and wrapped myself tightly in it. I sat on the futon and crossed my legs, hoping it'd keep me warm enough.

I was mindlessly just gazing off into space when suddenly, I felt poke on my shoulder. I was a firm jab and it pierced a whole set of muscles in my arm causing me to spazz. "Cadet (L/N)?" It was a deep, manly voice. Like the voice of a God.

I kept my back turned to this godly entity and answered. "Yes that's me."

This man turned me around with a strong hand and gazed upon me. "Why are you out here?" This godly entity...was Commander Erwin Smith. "It's cold out at night, we assigned sleeping quarters for a reason. Why are you out here?"

Should I tell him what happened to Armin? No.. what could he do that I didn't? But he might figure out who hurt him, but I don't know a lot myself to even tell him. I decided not to, for the sake of misinformation. " I like the outside better. I need fresh air once in a while you know?" I flashed a cheeky smile under the large blanket I was hiding under.

Erwin furrowed his brow and put both of his strong, brawny hands firmly on my shoulders. "Please go back inside to your sleeping quarters."

I can't. "I can't, Commander. Even though I can't really say why; I just can't." I covered my face completely with my blanket and flopped down in fetal position.

He then placed a warm hand on my back, " Well then sleep in mine. I don't mind, just please don't sleep out in the cold."

Even though it wasn't really that cold to me, I took his advice anyway and gathered all my things. "Fine" I sighed deeply and carried all of my things to Erwin's sleeping quarters. I followed him in the dark but I could just barely see him.

Then he came to a stop, and the only reason why I knew that, was because I ran right into him. I dropped all of my things and fell backwards. He is really big, he has such a firm back.

I heard his footsteps rustle around and thump crazily until I was yanked up by my underarms and placed back on my feet. "Sorry. I should've told you that I was at the door. " He whispered to me very apologetically.

I went back on my knees to grab my sleeping things but they weren't there. I searched for them for a while but had no luck. Erwin saw me looking frantically for them and chuckled. "I got them for you." Thanks for telling me that after I already made an ass of myself.

I scrambled to my feet and hurled myself into his room. I felt my foot get caught on something cloth and I fell forward. Erwin was right behind me, turning on lights and taking his jacket off. His room was big. I think it was almost as big as the cafeteria. There were pictures of him with two beautiful people, the man he was standing with had gentle eyes and smooth features. The woman next to the man was tall and thin. She looked so beautiful with her golden locks flowing like golden waves down her shoulders. These must be his parents. They were very well dressed and looked professional. I was impressed and a bit envious.

I got up and walked over to one of the pictures. It was a bit dusty but I could still see the figures in it. "Are these your parents, Erwin?"

He seemed to have gotten a bit annoyed at me being nosey and gave me a half-assed answer, "Yeah."

I didn't really ask anything else about them because it seemed like he didn't really want to talk about it. "Well they're beautiful. They must have been lovely."

"You can sleep in my bed tonight. I can sleep on the floor for tonight." He's so quick to change the subject!

"'s not right, you're my superior. I couldn't possibly you sleep on the floor like a dog. I don't mind sleeping on the floor. Really. "

He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. " Jeez, okay. It's not like the floor is that uncomfortable. I don't really mind if I sleep on the floor."

I quickly threw all of my stuff down and spread out all over the floor. "Well you can't because all of my is all over the floor now."

He looked bored and annoyed already. " Okay Cadet, You win. I will sleep on my bed, happy?"

I nodded vigorously and threw myself down on the futon. It was a bit dirty from throwing it down outside in the dirt but I really didn't mind. "Night."

I shut my eyes and threw the blanket over my head. It's so weird being in Commander Erwin's room. I wouldn't feel comfortable if I slept on his bed and have him sleep on the floor.

He walked into this random room and stayed there for 5 minutes until coming back out again with a cup. "Going to sleep already?" He sounded disappointed.

My face was covered by the heavy blanket, I responded with a muffled "yeah". He just chuckled at me and sat on his bed, there was only one light on now and I think it was the one next to his bed.

I quietly shifted positions so that I was facing the bed frame. My futon was at the foot of his bed so I couldn't really see anything other than that. I opened my eyes a bit, his lamp was on and we was just reading. He had glasses on and he was shirtless. Oh my god.

I quickly realized that I just saw a shirtless Erwin and covered my face with my blanket again. My face got hot and my heart was beating quickly. I thought I was dying. The blanket made the heat unbearable but I had to endure it. I didn't want Erwin seeing me flustered because he'll think I saw him without a shirt. Well I did but it would really suck if he knew that.

I reflexively kicked my blanket off and laid flat on the ground. The heat was making me drenched in sweat and I was awoken by a cold drop of sweat get in my eye.

I guess I wasn't asleep for that long because Erwin still had his lamp am and was silently reading still. "You okay down there, Cadet?" His voice was relaxed and smooth.

I was panting, sweaty, and I smelled weird. "Yep, just dandy." I wanted to at least take off my pants. It was so hot and I didn't know why. I wasn't flustered anymore, I was just hot. I hate it being hot. I always have.

I heard his book close and him get up from his bed. I panicked and flung myself to my side opposite of him. Do not look. Do not look.

Erwin, I guess, put his cup in room he was in before and came back in. " Why are you so sweaty? Is it really that hot?"

I felt a shiver down my spine and hairs stand up on the back of my neck. "No...I'm fine.."

Author's Note: Hey, sorry about the delay. Writers block, haha. Anyway, here's the next chapter. Enjoy! This chapter won't change, even though I edited the other earlier chapters, the newer ones won't be changed at least I don't think. Heh. Anyway, thank you so much for being patient with me throughout this book. I'm trying my best to make it interesting for you guys! Thanks again- Admin

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