Chapter 5: Please Stop Worrying About Me

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This won't be my best but it'll be something. Enjoy!

I made my way to my Sleeping Quarters and crept into my bed with shoes still on. I was way too tired to care. The training wore me out.

I fell asleep almost immediately, burying my face in my pillow and cuddling up to it. I was having a familiar dream.

I heard a whisper, not in a familiar voice. It wasn't sweet and comforting, it was a cold and wispy. It sent a chill down my spine. " It only gets worse from here, (Y/N)"

How does it know my name? What does it want?

I've been having the same dream now for three weeks. Different voices, different tones. No faces, no names, just voices. They tell me things like " Grab onto me" and " I'm waiting for you (Y/N)". What do they mean? Why are they waiting for me? 

I was awoken by someone shaking me violently. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" I opened my eyes sleepily wondering who was shaking me. I felt hot hands squeezing my shoulders. When I awake they grabbed my hands and put them in his sweaty ones.

It was Armin. He looked very worried. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.His face was dripping with sweat. "You were screaming and I was worried about you. What happened?" He was crushing my hands. For a small kid, he was strong.

"I'm okay, Armin. It was just a bad dream." I forced a fake smile, I didn't want him to worry. I don't want anyone to worry. I tried to wriggle my hands out of his grip.

Armin's face told me he didn't buy my bull. He squinted, making his face all scrunched up. It made me giggle a bit. "What's that face for?"

He furrowed his brow and made a very stern face, "I'm not stupid, (Y/N). I know there is something bothering you. I've known for a while now. Tell me what's going on. I'm not gonna leave you alone until I know. So 'fess up. Since we are friends now, we have to know more about each other. Right?" 

I rolled my eyes, half annoyed half glad that he was bugging me. He won't leave me alone until I do, huh? I decided to make up a white lie so he'd lay off for a bit. " I saw a spider in the dream..I hate spiders. " I tried to look into his eyes but couldn't. Even though I trust Armin I can't tell him yet. He is still a stranger to me.. I got up and grabbed my coat. " I'm going out. I'll see you later." I opened the door and left Armin sitting on my bed. I can't let him know. No one will understand. I don't even understand. 

I didn't care whether he believed me or not. I didn't care about anything. Those dreams.....they mean something. But what? Why do they want me?

I shoved my hands in my coat pockets and speed walked outside.
"I need to cool off." I shut my eyes, holding back tears. Where am I ?

Hey so this is all I have right now. I will edit this and update this frequently. I promise.  There will be more. I promise. Remember; comment, recommend, and read on!

Just an update;

I am editing this book right now so if you see some things are different don't panic, you didn't miss anything. I am just going and fixing a few things here and there. The story changed a bit but not anything drastic. Thank you for your patience, everything will be republished by Thursday of EST.

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