Chapter 4: Commander Erwin Smith

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Author's Note:
Hey! Sorry, I couldn't upload yesterday. Family stuff. Here's chapter 4.

I made my way over to my Sleeping Quarters to take a long and fruitful shower. Why am I so annoyed right now? All I wanted to do was take a shower and put my uniform on for more afternoon training.

I look over at the clock and it reads 7:00 a.m. Shit, I have to hurry up. I take a quick shower and pull on my uniform. As soon as I slipped on my boots someone knocked on my broken and sad excuse of a door. I walk over to it and pull it gently open. " Yes, I'm on my way to trai-" I look up at a very tall and broad shouldered  man. ITS COMMANDER ERWIN.

He looks down and smiles, " Hello Cadet (L/N), you greeted the new recruits right?" That smile got me every time..whether it was a sarcastic smile or not. 

I smiled and saluted him, " Y-Yes sir...Yes I did." Since i was thirteen, I had the biggest crush on him. I am still madly in love with him but I keep regretting it. He ignored me for three years...and I keep forgiving him.  Oh my god, get it together (Y/N). I tried my hardest to be stiff and not move but my heart was taking on a mind of its own. I was pretty much blushing all over my body now.

He smiled again and saluted back at me."Good, keep it up. Would you mind going to the training today?"  He waved as he walked away. He's so beautiful.

I smiled for a brief moment but I caught myself...TRAINING WAS IN FIVE MINUTES.  I started to run down to the the hall while trying to tighten the belt around by chest with my teeth and got there just as everyone was lining up. I looked for anyone familiar and saw Eren, Armin, and Mikasa standing in line. It was all rookies, Horseface, Connie, and Marco were there as well.  I decided to stand near Eren and Armin. I squeezed in between Eren and Armin and just looked at them and smiled. Keith came out and immediately started to yell.

" Okay you children of Satan. Today we will teach you how to use the ODM harnesses, this helps you focus on your balance. Keep your balance and keep your body still. If you stay calm and focused you will succeed. Even you morons can do it. So GET TO IT!" Everyone spread out to a harness supporter post.

I hooked mine up, I kept wobbling and swaying. Ugh, it's making me motion sick. I felt like I had to sneeze, but I didn't want to distract the other recruits, so I tried to hold it in but failed. I sneezed so loud and so powerfully, that I flew back on my harness and hit the ground. Good thing I landed on my back. I let out a grunt of annoyance and got back up. I tried to mumble to myself some words of encouragement, "Slow and steady. Slow and steady." I repeated it to myself until I was completely still. It's been so long since I have done this. Why do I have to go to the training again? I already know this.

Keith was making his way around and seeing everyone's progress on the harnesses. When he made his way over to me he stopped walking. I didn't know why he stopped but I tried not to move, I tried my hardest to stay still for as long as possible. He just stared at me like he was silently judging me.
" Your uniform is on wrong." Can this asshole get any creepier? I shot him a sharp glare that made him grunt at me and proceed to walk. He said the same thing when I first got here three years ago.

I was hanging there for about 15 minutes until Keith yelled at us, "Okay, you ankle-biters, unhook yourselves. Now we are going to do some practice sparring. Everyone grab a partner and immediately begin sparring." A partner, huh? I looked around as I unhooked my harness and my eyes went straight to Jean. That kid talks a lot of shit, time for him to prove himself.

I walked over to Jean. " You and me are going to spar. I don't care about how you feel about it. It's going to happen." I grabbed his wrist and yanked to an empty section of the field.

" Look kitten, I don't wanna hurt ya." This brat really needed a kick in the throat. 

"Tch, trust me, you won't. But I might hurt you so be careful."

"You still talking shit, huh?" I smiled maniacally at him. I knew exactly where to hit him. First his legs, then his chest. When I have him on the ground I'll put all of my force on him. We put our hands up and went into fighting position. His stance was sloppy and his hands weren't even guarding his face. I took that as an advantage to go straight for his legs. The first rule of combat;  go for the legs. And the second rule is; never give away your weak spots. 

I throw a sweep kick from under his feet to knock him to the ground. I put my foot on his stomach, making it hard for him to get up. I put my knee on his chest to restrain his breathing, grabbed one of his arms and bend it in a oblique position.

"You let your guard down too easily. There's another rule in combat; never turn your back on your opponent." I let go of his arm when I heard him grunt in pain. I smile, lustful at his painful countenance and took it as a sign of defeat. "Don't let your ego guide you. Your ego will not keep you alive. Your lack of coordination and lack of combative skills will definitely get you killed. I mean, hey, you got beaten by a girl." 

I reached my hand out to help him up, " Consider this a favor that I'm letting you go, kid. I could've killed you and wouldn't have felt bad about it." He grabbed my hand and just looked at me as I yanked him up vigorously. " Wipe off your face, it's covered in dirt."  I left him there just standing around and I let Keith know I was finished with my training. 

I waved Eren and the rest goodbye as I head back to my Sleeping Quarters to change into my regular clothes and take a shower. I'm starving. I should go eat.  After I changed my clothes I made my way to the Dining hall. Well that was a fun day of training indeed. Training was never this fun.

Sorry this chapter was long and not that good. I will update it soon and make chapter 5 soon.  I started school so I might be delayed. Sorry.  X_X ugh. Let me know if you want anything changed.

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