Chapter 17: An unexpected surprise

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It appeared that I had woken up before Erwin and before the sun even came up. I scrambled to my feet and gathered up my things in a hurry, trying to avoid waking anyone. I had to change Armin's bandages and give him a bath so I had to leave before Erwin found out where in was going. It was silent except for the soft breathes and short pauses in between. 

I held my bundle of blankets and pillows and tiptoed out of Erwin's room. The floor creaked with every step and I was so far away from the door. At least I think I was, it was too dark. At this point I was just feeling my way around. Erwin turned over in his bed, which made me jump and drop my pillows and blanket. He made a weird snorting sound with his nose and exhaled softly. I immediately picked them back up and scrambled to the door. I felt my way around with the ball of my foot and swiped my foot across the floor like a metal detector, instead of Erwin's breathing all that was heard was the scraping of my foot access the wooden floor. It was polished and smooth to the touch, my feet were burning like the rest of my body so the cool floor was relieving. 

I exhaled in silently and continued to make my way towards the door and I was gingerly and stealthily making my way closer.  My hands were full so I couldn't open the door with my hand, so I put down my bundle and turned it ever so gently- "Where are you gowen swo eerly?" Eeeeeeee! He's awake!!
Erwin turned on the lamp to expose my scared expression, if he wasn't so sluggish, he would be easily seen my wide-eyed expression. I could see the shadows on his face and his messed up bed hair. He looked hot even when he's just woken up. "What're you doin'?" He rubbed his eyes and slowly looked up at me with half-open eyes.  

I needed to trick him, and fast. I needed an elaborate plan to make him go back to sleep and think it was all a dream. I decided to pretend to be a sweet angelic voice. It was gonna be hard to manipulate my voice but I needed to try. I tightened my vocal chords and lifted my chin to make more room for air."Oh, you're awake! Don't worry my dear,you're just dreaming.Go on back to sleep now,child. " I did my best imitation of a feminine giggle, I snorted but it was a subtle snort but it was still gross.

His eyes were drooping and he was slouching in the bed. " You're a very weird looking fairy, ma'am."

I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder trying not to choke him from his smartass statement.  "Now now, go to sleep. There there, good boy." I gently pushed him down and tucked him in.

"Good night, sweetie." I kissed him on the forehead and I turned bright red. That was the closest I have ever been to Erwin! It was too much to handle so I bolted for the door and ran out.

I made it back to my room in time to take care of Armin. It seemed like Mikasa was asleep next to him but left in the middle of the night. Armin was asleep uncomfortably on his side and he looked like he was struggling to stay in that position. "Hey, Armin, it's me, I came to change your bandages and wash you." I gently shook him awake and whispered softly in his ear.

I felt him softly whine and rise up, "(Y/ N)?" He rubbed his eye sleepily and looked at me.

"Hey." I grabbed the bucket and and a soft sponge on top of my vanity. "Take the bandages off carefully. I'm gonna wash your entire body and then replace the bandages. Okay?" I grabbed a stool and propped it down next to the bed.

Armin got up by himself and looked straight at me, " I will do it myself." His face grew red and hot quickly. I sat down slowly while still keeping eye contact.

"Are you okay, you're not getting a cold are you?" I went to feel his forehead but he slapped my hand away and blushed more intensely.

"I-I'm fine! S-sorry...uhm..just please stay here okay?" He looked away from me and snatched the sponge out of my hands.

"What do you mean, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." I smiled reassuringly at him.

"N-no, I mean...sleep here tonight. I don't mind Mikasa but I'd rather you. She snores a lot and she was trying to cuddle with me." He slammed the sponge in the water and squeezed it over his head. Not only was he missing completely, but he was just getting the sheets wet in the process. It seemed like he was struggling royally so I took it upon myself to help him.

"Armin stand up if you're gonna do that. Don't sit on the bed." I grabbed under his left forearm and helped him stand.

"I can do it, me with my back." He seemed embarrassed to ask me but I was willing to do anything for him. Him being in this state makes me feel guilty, if I don't help him it'll make me feel even more guilty.

I sighed and told him to turn around. His skin was place and fair and without a single flaw. The only prominent thing on his body was the big scratch that goes from his left shoulder to his hip. It seemed like a minor scratch but it was big. I almost was tempted to just hug him, he's so fair and his skin is soft around the wounds. I shouldn't be thinking thinks like this! Armin is my friend, I don't want him to think I'm a creep!

I take the sponge he handed me over his shoulder and began to wipe his back. I went slow, even though the sponge was soft, it was still a bit coarse, which was useful for scrubbing. "Hey uh, (Y/ N), can I ask you a weird question?" I gently scrubbed the dried blood from the scratch.

"Always. Haha.." I made my way down to the middle of his back and traced the scratch with the sponge.

"What do you think of me?" His muscles tensed up and his shoulders stiffened.

I subconsciously chuckle, "It means nothing about how I see you. Only how you see yourself."

"Don't get all philosophical with me, I'm serious. I want to know." His back suddenly became warmer. Is he nervous about something? I didn't hurt him did I?

"Well, I think you're independent and you know how reality works. You are always quick to spout random yet interesting facts and you don't let anyone tell you anything that you know more about. You're stubborn in a admirable way but your gentle with animals and you have an undying loyalty towards Mikasa and Eren." I take the sponge off and put it in the bucket. "I think you're awesome, Armin. Don't change a thing about yourself. If you need a friend to talk to when you get tired of Eren and Mikasa, you can always come to me." I smile at him and pat his head.

He was redder than I have ever seen anything before. "R-really?" I couldn't whether he was flattered or embarrassed.

"Yes. I like you Armin. You're awesome."

" me?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" I open my window and dump the dirty water out the window.

"Do you like Eren too?"

"Of course! I like all of you!" I was excited to talk about them, I was happy I had friends. Real friends, I could talk to about anything. Friends I could get close to." I slam the window shut and lock it. I put the bucket and sponge under my bed and sat down on the stool.

"Oh..." He gazed down and sat on the bed. "That's not what I meant."

I was so confused as to what he meant so I just  straight up asked him, "Then what do you mean?"

His head immediately shot up, "I LIKE YOU STUPID!!"

"Haha, I like you too. I already told you that." He seemed shifty and uncomfortable, I was getting worried. I rested my hands, which were miserably chapped and cracked from all the water and dirt exposure, on my knees and sunk my head down in exhaustion. 

He sprang up and as soon as I realized what was going on he planted his lips onto mine. It was felt like hours. His face was steaming and I felt the heat transfer from his face to mine. He pulled away and peered angrily at me.

"I like you like that you dummy." He crossed his arms "Can I please have the wraps? I want to wrap the wounds before I get an infection. It's also a bit drafty in here." He was chuckling again but it almost felt forced.

That was the most awkward experience ever. I don't even understand what just happened but I didn't feel anything..I was almost like kissing my mom....

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