Chapter 12-Home Bitter Home

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Hermione's POV

I started packing my things for Christmas. Draco and me decided to surprise both of our parents by visiting together. First half of the week would be for my parents. Second half would be for his Mother.

"So Hermione, Ginny and I will see you after vacation right? Your not running away with him, are you?"

Harry, Ginny, and I laugh. "No I'll be back. Just stick together okay."

"Okay, Hermione. I'll miss you more than Harry and he's coming with me and your not. Why is it like that? So I'll see you when we get back."

Ginny gives me a hug and someone's hands cover my face. "Guess who?"

It's not Draco because the voice is different. Definitely a male though. "Baisly?"

"You got it right!"

The hands as removed so I can see again. Baisly stands behind me, smiling like an idiot. Draco is next to him. "Where's Pansy?"

"She decided to stay here a bit."

I nod and Draco comes up next me. He does that little flip thing with me and catches me in the bridal hold.

If your wondering how he does it, imagine your standing straight up. Then someone comes next to you side and loops their arm under your waist. Then they move their arm up into the air and your airborne. Then they catch you under the knees. After that you use your arms to cling to their neck so you don't crack your head off the ground.

"Let's get in Hermione."

I smile at him, "Put me down first so I can get my bags."

He reluctantly drops me and I grab my two bags. All I need to go back home. I get onto the train with Draco right behind me.
Almost to Hermione's Home

"I'm excited for you to meet my mother and father Draco."

"As am I. I bet my mother will be happy your here."

"My mom too. She always wanted me to be happy."

"Mine as well. Now hush, we are almost there."

I open my eyes as we are in my little town. Draco grabs the bags and we head off the train. My home is standing but there's graffiti on it.

"Stupid Muggles. Why do they graffiti everything?"

"I don't know."

Then I notice the police tape in the doorway. I run up to the house and whip out my wand. The door is locked.


The door clicks and I walk in. I collapse on the ground and feel nothing as sadness and anger fill every limb of my body.
Draco's POV (warning little gory)

Blood. That's the only way to describe the scene before me. Her mother is laying on the ground in a pool of it.

It's on the wall, spelling out, "I AM YOUR FATHER!"

There's a knife laying on the ground next to her mother. Full of it. Hermione has dropped to her knees.

I fling the bags into the only room without the blood and hold Hermione's shoulders. "Whoever did this will be found and brought to justice."

I can hear her tears. "My mommy."

She stands up and I hold her as she weeps into my shoulder. "What're you kids doing in here?"

A man in a blue outfit is looking at us accusingly. Hermione clears her throat, "When did this happen?"

"A couple days ago. Why?"

"This is my mother on the ground! I deserve to know what happened here!!!!!"

She shouts at him and her face is completely wet from crying. "Your father was a physopath sweetheart. He killed your mother and used the blood to make this monstrosity. I'm sorry for your loss."

I clear my throat, "Officer do you have a cellphone we could use?"

He nods and hands me the cellphone. I type in mother's number. "Hello mom."

"My Draco! How is-"

"Can Hermione and me apparate to you as quick as possible?"

"Yes sweetheart, but-"

"No time for questions. I'll be there quick as possible."

I hand the cellphone back to him. He looks at me oddly. "So sir what is your name?"

"Draco Malfoy and this is my girlfriend."

Hermione is crying against my shoulder. I've never seen her so distraught.

"We have to go sir."

He nods and leaves us alone in the room. I move Hermione and me so I'm touching her bags. "Hermione we are going to go to my mother's house okay?"

She nod, and tears still flow free. I apparate and we are standing in front of Malfoy Manor.

The home of destruction and chaos.
Shorter chapter yes, but it was pretty serious. Who knew her father could be murderous?

Who knows if it was really her father;)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and follow and vote and comment if you wish:)

I'm wondering how meeting Draco's mother will go?

Until next time, stay beautiful <3

P.S. I felt terrible while writing this chapter bleh!

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